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Sunshine in most places including Kathmandu, what is the probability of rain in which state? See

September 26, 2020

 The sun has been shining in the Kathmandu Valley since this morning (Sunday). According to meteorologists, the sun is now shining in all parts of the country except Provinces 1 and 2.

According to Sameer Shrestha, a meteorologist at the Meteorological Department, the effect of low pressure area is still prevailing in Provinces 1 and 2.

"Besides, it is not completely open in other parts of the country now, but the sun has been seen with clouds," he told Nepalkhabar on Sunday morning. "The weather has been opening from the west."

According to meteorologist Shrestha, the weather has changed from Bagmati to the west. This means that the sun is shining with a few clouds.

He said that the influence of low pressure area is also weakening in Provinces 1 and 2. "It may be one day today, so there is a possibility of a little more rain today than in other areas."

This is the possibility of rain today

According to the Weather Forecast Division, light to moderate rain with thundershowers is expected in Province No. 1, Province No. 2, Bagmati Province and Gandaki Province this afternoon.

According to meteorologist Sameer Shrestha, there is a possibility of light rain in Kathmandu Valley this afternoon or evening. The maximum temperature is expected to reach 28 to 30 degrees Celsius.

In one or two places of Province No. 1, there is a possibility of heavy rain in the afternoon, according to the Division.

On the same night, light rain is likely in Province No. 1, Bagmati Province, a few places in Gandaki Province and one or two places in the rest of the province.


Āja (ā'itabāra) bihāna pani kāṭhamāḍauṁ upatyakāmā bihānaidēkhi ghāma dēkhi'ēkō cha. Pradēśa 1 ra 2 bāhēka dēśakā sabai sthānamā ahilē ghāma dēkhi'ēkō mausamavidlē batā'ēkā chan.

Mausama pūrvānumāna mahāśākhākā mausamavid samīra śrēṣṭhakā anusāra pradēśa 1 ra 2 mā n'yūna cāpīya kṣētrakō prabhāva ajhai rahēkālē mausama badalī bha'ī ghāma nadēkhi'ēkō hō.

‘Yasabāhēka ahilē dēśakā an'ya sthānamā bhanē pūrai khulēkō ta hō'ina, tara thōraithōrai bādalasahita ghāma dēkhi'ēkō cha,’ ā'itabāra bihāna nēpālakhabarasam̐ga unalē bhanē, ‘paścimabāṭa mausama khuldai ā'ēkō cha.’

Mausamavid śrēṣṭhakā anusāra bāgamatī pradēśadēkhi paścima mausama sāmān'ya badalī cha. Yō bhanēkō thōrai thōrai bādalasahita ghāma pani lāgnē avasthā hō.

Pradēśa 1 ra 2 mā pani n'yūna cāpīya kṣētrakō prabhāva kamajōra hum̐dai ga'ēkō unalē batā'ē. ‘Āja ēka dina rahancha hōlā, tyasalai āja tyatā āja pani an'ya kṣētrakō tulanāmā ali baḍhī pānī parnē sambhāvanā cha.’

Yastō cha āja varṣākō sambhāvanā

mausama pūrvānumāna mahāśākhākā anusāra āja di'um̐sō pradēśa naṁ 1, pradēśa naṁ 2, bāgamatī pradēśa ra gaṇḍakī pradēśamā sāmān'ya badalī rahī thōrai sthāna tathā pradēśa naṁ 5, karṇālī pradēśa ra sudūrapaścima pradēśamā ānśika badalī rahī ēka du'ī sthānamā mēghagarjana/caṭyāṅasahita halkādēkhi madhyama varṣākō sambhāvanā cha.

Māaisamavid samīra śrēṣṭhakā anusāra kāṭhamāḍauṁ upatyakāmā pani āja aparāhna vā sām̐jhapakha halkā pānī parnē sambhāvanā cha. Yahām̐ adhikatama tāpakrama 28 dēkhi 30 ḍigrī sēlsiyasasam'ma pugnē anumāna cha.

Pradēśa naṁ 1 kā ēka/du'ī sthānamā bhanē di'um̐sāē bhārī varṣākō samēta sambhāvanā rahēkāē mahāśākhālē janā'ēkāē cha.

Yastai rāti pani pradēśa naṁ 1, bāgamatī pradēśa, gaṇḍakī pradēśakā thōrai sthāna ra bām̐kī pradēśakā ēka du'ī sthānamā halkā varṣākō sambhāvanā cha.

Sunshine in most places including Kathmandu, what is the probability of rain in which state? See Sunshine in most places including Kathmandu, what is the probability of rain in which state? See Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 26, 2020 Rating: 5

Rainfall to take place for three more days

September 24, 2020


Kathmandu - Rainfall has been predicted across the country for next three days due to impact of westerly low-pressure system, according to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology. Meteorologist Pratibha Manandhar said that it is raining all over the country due to impact of low-pressure system formed in the eastern part of Madhya Pradesh of India.

She shared, “There is possibility of rainfall throughout the country till Saturday evening. The weather will gradually improve from Sunday.” It will take few more days for the weather to improve even if rainfall stops from Sunday, added Manandhar. Most of the places across the country have been witnessing light to moderate rainfall.

Similarly, heavy rainfall has been taking place at one or two places of State 1, 2, 5, Gandaki State and Karnali State since last night. There is probability of light to moderate rain along with lightning at most of the places of the country, according to the Meteorological Forecasting Division.

As per the Division's weather update, Kathmandu Valley has recorded 73.5 mm rain today while, Pokhara recorded 84.5 mm, Dipayal 4.2 mm, Simara 108.0 mm and Dhankuta 19.2 mm rainfall. The highest rainfall of 125 mm has been recorded in Biratnagar today

Rainfall to take place for three more days Rainfall to take place for three more days Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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