ओली गुटका नेताले पूर्वमाओवादीका नेतालाई कुटी कुटी मारेको खुलासा (भिडियोसहित)

स्वाथ्यमंत्रीले भर्खरै निकाले यस्तो विज्ञप्ती, नेपाली जनतामाथि भ्रम फैलाए कि सरकारको बचाउ गरे ? (भिडियो)
Subash Poudel, the ward chairman of Kusma 7 of Parbat, has spent the festival in the Corona Fund
Ward Chairman of Kushma Municipality Ward No. 7 Subash Chandra Poudel has deposited the amount of festival expenses provided by the municipality in the Corona Fund.
Ward chairperson Poudel has sent a letter to the municipality requesting to return the holiday expenses and deposit it in the corona fund of Kushma municipality.
The Kusma Municipality had provided Rs 25,000 to the ward chairperson for the festival expenses. Ward chairperson Poudel said that he had sent a letter to the chief administrative officer requesting him to deposit the amount in the fund. ‘It. "I have returned the money from the municipality to help with the treatment of the infected and to fight against corona," said Poudel.
Apart from this, model work has also been done in Kusma 7 during the tenure of ward chairperson Poudel. A cowshed has been constructed to manage loose livestock in Kusma Bazaar while a public gymnasium has been constructed by encircling the Godamchaur playground in Ward No. 7. By organizing women from all over the ward and forming tolerant multi-purpose cooperatives, activities have been started to earn income and Kusma community homestay has been constructed and brought into operation.
Ward Chairperson Poudel informed that work is underway to make jhiling and sell it even though no guests have come to Corona Kahar. Similarly, farmer groups have been formed in the ward and ward nursery centers have been set up in three places. The two community schools in Pada have been made technology friendly.
The building of the Senior Citizens Health Treatment Counseling Center is under construction. The basic health center has been established and the road has been renamed and the chowk has been named by planting trees including Parijat and Dhapu. He said that more than one kilometer of blacktop and slope has been constructed on Acharya Toll and Khareha Puranobato from the ward budget.
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