Former Indian Minister Jaswant Singh dies
Former Union Minister of India Jaswant Singh has passed away. .
According to Indian media, Singh, a long-suffering BJP founding member, has died at the age of 82.

Singh, who was seriously injured in a fight in the bathroom of his house in 2004, was in a long coma.
Jaswant Singh of Barmer, Rajasthan, was in charge of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and Defense. He was also a Major in the Indian Army.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed deep grief over his death in a tweet.
Modi wrote on Twitter, ‘Jaswant Singh served our nation with full dedication, first as a soldier and later in politics. He held a very important position in Atalji's government and left a strong mark on the world in economic, defense and foreign affairs. I am saddened by his death. '
Jaswant Singh Ji served our nation diligently, first as a soldier and later during his long association with politics. During Atal Ji’s Government, he handled crucial portfolios and left a strong mark in the worlds of finance, defense and external affairs. Saddened by his demise.
- Narendra Modi (arenarendramodi) September 27, 2020
Bhāratakā pūrvamantrī jasavanta sinhakō nidhana
bhāratakā pūrvakēndrīya mantrī jasavanta sinhakō nidhana bha'ēkō cha. .
Lāmō samayadēkhi birāmī bhājapākā sansthāpaka sadasya sinhakō 82 varṣakō umēramā nidhana bha'ēkō bhāratīya sañcāramādhyamalē janā'ēkā chan.
San 2004 mā gharakai bātharumamā laḍēra gambhīra ghā'itē bha'ēkā sinha lāmō samaya kōmāmā thi'ē.
Rājasthāna bāḍamērakā jasavanta sinhalē bhāratakō vidēśa ra rakṣā mantrālayakō jim'mēvārī samhālēkā thi'ē. Unī bhāratīya sēnākā mējara pani thi'ē.
Bhāratīya pradhānamantrī narēndra mōdīlē ṭviṭa garēra una nidhanaprati gahirō śōka vyakta garēkā chan.
Mōdīlē ṭviṭaramā lēkhēkā chan, ‘jasavanta sinhalē hāmrō rāṣṭralā'ī pūrā laganakā sātha sēvā garē, surumā unalē sainikakā rūpamā ra pachi rājanītisam̐ga jōḍi'ēra. Aṭalajīkō sarakāramā asādhyai mahatvapūrṇa vibhāga samhālē ra ārthika, rakṣā ēvaṁ vidēśa māmilāmā sansārasāmu baliyō chāpa chāḍē. Unakō nidhanalē duḥkhī chu.’
Jaswant Singh Ji served our nation diligently, first as a soldier and later during his long association with politics. During Atal Ji’s Government, he handled crucial portfolios and left a strong mark in the worlds of finance, defence and external affairs. Saddened by his demise.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 27, 2020
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