We succeeded in developing the ring road carrying the identity of Kushma and making it a bright road
Parbat . It has been almost three years since the local elections. What has the local level done so far? We have tried to understand with the local people's representatives what is left to be done and what the people's representatives have done during the election.
Meanwhile, we have tried to get information from the ward chairperson of Kushma Municipality-5, Chitrakala Bharti, about the work that has been done so far and the work that is yet to be done.
The main task of Kunpa 5 is to develop the lifeline of Kushma Bazaar i.e. ring road. This bungee jump road from Vadagaun Hospital Chowk to Lovely Hill is also the lifeline of Kushma Bazaar of Kushma Municipality. If the construction of this road is completed, Kushma Bazaar will be within the ring road.
Due to the corona, the blacktop could not be done in the allotted time but the road work is progressing fast. It is believed that the black paper will be completed in a month's time. Work is underway now. In the next few months, you will see smooth roads, she said.
As she is in Kushma Bazaar, she has worked in the field of education and agriculture, emphasizing on sewage management, upgrading of roads, integrated tax collection.
She said that she has succeeded in making Kushma Bazaar a bright road ward by arranging lights with solar panels to make it a bright city.
Watch this video to understand how much work has been done in the ward in the words of the ward chairman
Kuśmākō pahicāna bōkēkō riṅarōḍakō vikāsa, ujyālō saḍaka banā'una saphala bhayauṁ
parvata. Sthānīya tahakō nirvācana bha'ēkō jhaṇḍai tīna varṣa huna lāgi sakyō. Yō bēlāsam'ma sthānīya tahalē kēkē kāma garē? Kē kē kāma garna bām̐kī chan ra janapratidhiharulē cunāvakō bēlāmā garēkā pratibad'dhā kēkē pūrā garē bhannēbārēmā hāmīlē sthānīya janapratinidhisaṅga bujhnē prayāsa garēkā chauṁ.
Yasaibīca kuśmā nagarapālikā 5 kā vaḍā adhyakṣa citrakalā bhāratīsam̐ga ahilēsam'ma bha'ēkā ra huna bām̐kī kāma ra yōjanābārē jānakārī linē prayāsa garēkā chauṁ.
Kuśmā bajārakō lā'iphalā'ina arthāta riṅarōḍakō vikāsanai kunapā 5 kō mukhya kāma hō. Vaḍāgā'um̐ aspatālacōkadēkhi labhlīhila hum̐dai banjījampa vistāra bha'ēkō yō saḍaka kuśmā nagarapālikākō tyō pani kuśmā bajārakō lā'iphalā'ina saḍakakhaṇḍa hō. Yō saḍakakō nirmāṇa sampanna bha'ē kuśmā bajāra riṅarōḍabhitra parnēcha.
Kōrōnākā kāraṇa tōki'ēkō samayamā kālōpatrē huna sakēna tara saḍakakō kāma tībra rupamā agāḍī baḍhēkō cha. Abakō mahinā dinamā kālōpatrē sampanna hunē viśvāsa cha vaḍā adhyakṣa citrakalā bhāratīyalē banin. Ahilē kāma bha'irahēkō cha. Abakō kēhi mahināmā cillō saḍaka dēkhna pā'unuhunēcha unalē bhanina.
Kuśmā bajāramai bha'ēkā kāraṇa tyahām̐kō ḍhala vyavasthāpana, saḍakakō starōnnatī, ēkikr̥ta kara saṅkalanamā jōḍa di'ēkō,śikṣā, kr̥ṣi kṣētramā pani kāma garēkō unalē batā'ina.
Kuśmā bajāralā'ī ujyālō śahara banā'unakō lāgi sōlāra pyānalasahitakō lā'iṭakō vyavasthā garēra vaḍālā'ī ujyālō saḍaka vaḍā banā'una saphala bha'ēkō unalē batā'ina.
Ukta vaḍāmā kē kati kāma bha'ē tyasakō bārēmā vaḍā adhyakṣakai śabdamā bujhnakō lāgi yō bhiḍiyō hērnuhōsa

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