Nepalis singing the national anthems of 65 countries
Baglung, 10 September: Singer Ramji would have been traveling across the country at this time if there was no Corona epidemic. As the spread of the corona virus spread from Wuhan, China, his world travel was halted. On his way to Bangladesh after touring seven states of India, he had to return to Nepal from Siliguri last December.

Singing the national anthems of 25 different countries, he started his world tour in 2015 and planned to visit Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives and other countries this year. His world tour is currently on hold due to the difficult situation caused by Corona, it is not known when it will start again.
The 41-year-old from Bhirlangkhuri of Baglung Municipality-6 had set a goal of singing the national anthems of 194 countries and reaching all 232 countries of the world by 2025 BS. Because of Corona, it is now certain that the plan and goal of the trip will be pushed back. He was on a world tour with the message of 'World Brotherhood, Cultural Tourism and Harmony'.
"Even when the situation was unfavorable, I did not take any stress. I made good use of this time," he said. "Now I can sing the national anthems of 65 countries. I will sing the national anthems of 194 countries in the next one and a half to two years." Nepalis are now learning the national anthem of the Eastern European country Albania. He said that the time of banning and banning was spent on creation and means. In the meantime, the Nepalis also toured many new places in Baglung and Myagdi. Buddha Hill, located on the border of Baglung Municipality-7 and 6, which was first identified by Nepalis during the trip, is now known as a tourist attraction.
The Nepali said that he traveled the world singing the national anthem with the aim of introducing Nepal to the international community and promoting tourism through brotherhood and harmony. "From a young age, there was a hustle and bustle of doing something new. This is the result of this world tour," he said. It is the dream of Nepalis to end their 'world tour' at the Everest base camp. So far he has visited India, France, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands. "I started my first foreign trip from Belgium in 2017 and reached Europe in coordination with Nepali expatriates," he said.
He recalled that he sang the French national anthem at the Eiffel Tower. Nepalis said that they sang the national anthem in different cities and public places of Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands. "I will sing the national anthem of Nepal first and then the country concerned," he said. When the Nepalis reached India, they had traveled from Chennai to Himachal Pradesh. "I spent about four months in India. There were formal and informal programs in many places in the Nepali community," he said. "I sang up to four or five national anthems in one place."
The Nepali said that he was proud to carry Nepal's identity as the land of Buddha and Mount Everest. He is hopeful that the situation will get better soon and his world tour will resume. He says that he has traveled at his own expense without any help from anywhere till now.
"Let's gradually create an atmosphere of cooperation, let's see," said Nepali. He searched for national anthems of different countries and their 'tracks' through mediums like 'Google' and 'YouTube'. He said that he would seek help from the embassy when needed. "I have already collected the national anthem of 194 countries and its tracks," said Nepali.
He feels that it is a challenge to sing the national anthems in different languages of the world correctly. "Many aspects have to be taken care of from music, language and pronunciation. To be able to sing a national anthem, one has to go through a long process and process," said Nepali. He sings songs in all languages in Nepali Roman.
Meanwhile, in the context of World Tourism Day, singer Nepali is scheduled to sing the national anthems of 50 countries from the same stage on September 25. Dil Shirish, president of the Federation of Nepali Journalists, Baglung branch, said that the program was organized to convey the message of world unity and brotherhood during the Corona Crisis.
For the first time, Nepalis are going to sing the national anthems of 50 countries from the same platform. Earlier, he had sung the national anthems of 11 countries, including Nepal, at the International Modern Sculpture Workshop held at Teuma, Galkot Municipality-5 last February.
While Nepalis sang the national anthems of Japan, Italy, China, Ukraine, Canada, Israel, Brazil, France, Taiwan and India, the sculptors of the respective countries participating in the workshop honored their national anthems. Nepali songs that have spent almost 25 years in music, Nepali songs like 'Varsh Din Ko Mela' (2053), 'Jawanima Taneko' (2059), 'Bhirko Tuni' are public.
65 Dēśakā rāṣṭragāna gā'unē nēpālī
bāgaluṅa, 10 asōja: Kōrōnā mahāvyādhi nabha'ēkō bha'ē yatibēlā gāyaka rāmajī nēpālī dēśadēśāvara yātrārata thi'ē. Cīnakō vuhānabāṭa kōrōnā bhā'irasakō phailāvaṭa baḍhdai jām̐dā uhām̐kō viśvayātrā bhanē aparjhaṭa rōkiyō. Bhāratakā sāta prānta ghumēra baṅgalādēśa jānē kramamā gata pusamā silugaḍhībāṭa nēpāla pharkinupa¥yō.
Vibhinna 25 dēśakā rāṣṭragāna gā'um̐dai san 2015 dēkhi viśvayātrāmā niskanubha'ēkā unakō yasa varṣa baṅgalādēśa, śrīlaṅkā, māldibhsalagāyatakā dēśa pugnē yōjanā thiyō. Kōrōnālē nimtyā'ēkō viṣama sthitikā kāraṇa unakō viśvayātrā ahilē sthaganamā cha, phēri kahilē śuru huncha ṭhēgāna chaina.
Bāgaluṅa nagarapālikā–6 bhīralāṅkhurīkā 41 varṣīya uhām̐kō san 2025 bhitra 194 dēśakā rāṣṭragāna gā'unē ra viśvakā 232 vaṭai dēśamā pugnē lakṣya thiyō. Kōrōnākai kāraṇa aba yātrākō tyō yōjanā ra lakṣya pachi dhakēlinē niścita cha. ‘Viśva bandhutva, sānskr̥tika paryaṭana ra sadbhāvanā’kō sandēśasahita unī viśvayātrāmā thi'ē.
“Sthiti pratikūla hum̐dā pani mailē kunai tanāva li'inam̐, yō samayakō mailē rāmrō sadupayōga garēm̐”, unalē bhanē, “ahilē ma 65 dēśakā rāṣṭragāna gā'una saknē bha'ēm̐, ā'um̐dō ḍēḍha-du'ī varṣabhitra 194 dēśakai rāṣṭragāna gā'um̐chu.” Nēpālīlē ahilē pūrvī yurōpēlī dēśa alabāniyākō rāṣṭragāna sikirahērakā chan. Bandābandī ra niṣēdhājñākō samaya sirjanā ra sādhanāmā bitā'ēkō unalē sunā'ē. Yasabīcamā nēpālīlē bāgaluṅa ra myāgdīkā kaim̐yana nayām̐ ṭhā'um̐kō ghumaphirasamēta garē. Yātrākā kramamā nēpālīlē nai pahilōpaṭaka pahicāna garēkō bāgaluṅa nagarapālikā–7 ra 6 kō sīmāsthita ‘bud'dha hila’ ahilē paryaṭakīya ākarṣaṇakā rupamā cinina thālēkō cha.
Bhā'icārā ra sadbhāvanākō mādhyamabāṭa nēpālalā'ī antarrāṣṭriya jagatmā cinā'unē ra paryaṭana pravadrdhana garnē uddēśyalē rāṣṭragāna gā'um̐dai viśvayātrāmā him̐ḍēkō nēpālīlē batā'ē. “Sānaidēkhi kēhī na kēhī nayām̐ kāma garnē huṭahuṭī calthyō, tyasakai upaja hō yō viśvayātrā pani”, unalē bhanē. ‘Viśvayātrā’kō samāpana sagaramāthā ādhāra śiviramā garnē nēpālīkō sapanā cha. Hālasam'ma unalē bhārata, phrānsa, bēljiyama, spēna ra nēdaralyāṇḍakō bhramaṇa garisakēkā chan. “Pahilō vidēśa yātrā san 2017 mā bēljiyamabāṭa śuru garēm̐, pravāsī nēpālīharusam̐gakō samanvayamā yurōpa pugēm̐”, unalē bhanē.
Unalē ā'iphila ṭāvaramā pugī phrānsakō rāṣṭragāna gā'ēkō smaraṇa garē. Bēljiyama, spēna ra nēdaralyāṇḍakā vibhinna śahara ra sārvajanikasthalamā samēta rāṣṭragāna gā'ēkō nēpālīlē batā'ē. “Juna dēśa pugchu pahilē nēpālakō rāṣṭragāna gā'um̐chu ani sambandhita dēśakō”, unalē bhanē. Nēpālīlē bhārata pugdā cēnna'idēkhi himāñcala pradēśasam'ma yātrā garēkā thi'ē. “Bhāratamā jhaṇḍai cāra mahinā bitā'ēm̐, nēpālī samudāya rahēkā dhērai ṭhā'um̐mā aupacārika-anaupacārika kāryakrama bha'ē”, unalē bhanē, “ēkai ṭhā'um̐mā cāra-pām̐ca vaṭāsam'ma rāṣṭragāna gā'ēm̐ .”
Bud'dha ra sagaramāthākō dēśakā rupamā nēpālakō cinārī bōkēra vidēśa pugdā gauravabōdha bha'ēkō nēpālīlē sunā'ē. Cām̐ḍai sthiti ṭhikaṭhāka bha'ēra āphnō viśvayātrā phēri śuru hunēmā unī āśāvādī chan. Viśvayātrākā lāgi ahilēsam'ma kataibāṭa kunai sahayōga nali'i āphnai kharcamā him̐ḍēkō unakō bhanā'i cha.
“Vistārai sahayōgakō māhōla pani banlā gardai jā'aum̐, hērdai jā'aum̐”, nēpālīlē bhanē. Unalē ‘gugala’, ‘yuṭyuva’ jastā mādhyamabāṭa vibhinna dēśakā rāṣṭragāna ra tinakā ‘ṭryāka’ khōjē. Āvaśyaka pardā dūtāvāsabāṭa samēta sahayōga linē garēkō unakō bhanā'i cha. “194 Dēśakai rāṣṭragāna ra tinakā ṭryāka saṅkalana garisakēkō chu”, nēpālīlē bhanē.
Sansārakā vibhinna bhāṣāmā banēkā rāṣṭragāna sahī ḍhaṅgalē gā'unu cunautīpūrṇa viṣaya bha'ēkō unakō anubhava cha. “Saṅgīta, bhāṣā, uccāraṇadēkhi dhērai pakṣa khyāla garnuparnē huncha, ē'uṭā rāṣṭragāna gā'unē saknē huna lāmō abhyāsa ra prakriyā pāra garnuparcha”, nēpālīlē bhanē. Unalē sabai bhāṣākā gītalā'ī nēpālī rōmanamā utārī gā'unē garchana.
Yasaibīca, viśva paryaṭana divasakō sandarbhamā yahī asōja 11 gatē gāyaka nēpālīlē ēkai mañcabāṭa 50 dēśakā rāṣṭragāna gā'unē kāryakrama taya gari'ēkō cha. Kōrōnā saṅkaṭakā bēlā viśva ēkatā ra bhātr̥tvakō sandēśa dinē uddēśyalē sō kāryakrama rākhi'ēkō āyōjaka nēpāla patrakāra mahāsaṅgha bāgaluṅa śākhākā adhyakṣa dila śirīṣalē batā'ē.
Nēpālīlē pahilōpaṭaka ēkai mañcabāṭa 50 dēśakā rāṣṭragāna gā'una lāgnubha'ēkō hō. Yasa'aghi gata phāgunamā galakōṭa nagarapālikā–5 ṭē'umāmā bha'ēkō antarrāṣṭriya ādhunika mūrtikalā kāryaśālāmā unalē nēpālasahita 11 dēśakā rāṣṭragāna gā'ēkā thi'ē.
Nēpālīlē jāpāna, iṭālī, cīna, yukrēna, kyānāḍā, ijarāyala, brājila, phrānsa, tā'ivāna ra bhāratakō rāṣṭragāna gā'um̐dā kāryaśālāmā sahabhāgī sambandhita dēśakā mūrtikāraharulē āphnō rāṣṭragānakō sam'māna garēkā thi'ē. Jhaṇḍai 25 varṣa nēpālī gīta, saṅgītamā bitā'ēkā nēpālīkā ‘varṣa dinakō mēlā’ (2053), ‘javānīmā tānēkō’ (2059), ‘bhīrakō ṭunī’lagāyata gīta sārvajanika chan.
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