Minister Bhattarai has just made a sensational revelation, much to the delight of tourism entrepreneurs
A 'Resurrection Task Force, Nepal' has been set up to restore the tourism sector, which has been plagued by the Carona virus (Covid-19) epidemic.
It is said that the Tourism Rejuvenation Task Force-Nepal has been set up in line with the concept of public-private partnership at the initiative of the private sector to play a positive, active and result-oriented role in restoring the tourism business that was crippled due to the epidemic.
It was formally inaugurated on Saturday, World Tourism Day.

Focuses on raising awareness about tourism among decision makers and policy makers who are leading the tourism sector in an appropriate, accountable, reform-oriented and constructive manner, establishing result-oriented coordination among key stakeholders and providing reliable and effective communication between tourism sector stakeholders and resource market tour operators and potential tourists. The task force has stated that it will carry out programs and activities.
The Task Force will make good efforts for the sustainable and rapid revival of tourism and assist in the necessary preparations and to suggest positive internal and external tourism promotion programs to the concerned bodies and run some programs on their own despite limited resources. Similarly, promotional and positive messages of Nepal will be regularly transmitted from 10 television channels.
The tourism sector has played a significant role and contribution in Nepal's prosperity journey. According to the World Tourism Council's 2019 figures, the tourism sector contributes 6.7 percent to Nepal's gross domestic product and creates employment opportunities for about 1.1 million people. Foreign tourists contribute 30.8 percent to export earnings.
The Corona epidemic poses a major challenge not only to our health and livelihoods but also to our economy. In this time of crisis, it is believed that employment and business will be revived and tourism will be revived by adopting safety measures.
The task force is tasked with reviving tourism as soon as possible by setting priorities and taking into account the urgent need to be proactive, setting out programs and activities based on result-oriented action plans and clear strategies for survival, revival and trivial.
The task force has already started the work of conducting survey on preparation of tourism sector for tourism resumption, preparation of information on safety standards and pictorial materials of public awareness, gathering facts and information about practices taking place in other foreign destinations, creating environment for promotion and promotion of domestic tourism. In the coming days, the task force will hold a series of regular dialogues on issues such as domestic tourism, enforcing security standards, encouraging the role of stakeholders, understanding the resource market and making further preparations for Nepal. This task force will remain active until the tourism revival to reduce and eliminate the shortcomings in the tourism sector.
On Saturday, Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Yogesh Bhattarai lauded the initiative taken for the revival of tourism and launched the 'Deshdarshan' program as the first step in the revival of tourism. He said that the revival of tourism could be accelerated as soon as all the stakeholders came together and urged all to come together for tourism.
Tourism Secretary Kedar Bahadur Adhikari inaugurated the training guide of the Rural Destination Empowerment Campaign by the Tourism Revival Task Force. He lauded the tourism revival task force initiated by the private sector and suggested more coordination and cooperation with the local and provincial governments.
Kārōnā bhā'irasa (kōbhiḍa–19) mahāmārīlē samasyāgrasta banēkō paryaṭana kṣētralā'ī svabhāvika avasthāmā pharkā'unakā lāgi ‘punarut'thāna ṭāska phōrsa, nēpāla’kō sthāpanā bha'ēkō cha.
Mahāmārīkā kāraṇa gharāsāyī banēkō paryaṭana vyavasāyalā'ī purānai layamā pharkā'unakā lāgi sakārātmaka, sakriya ra pariṇāmamūkhī bhūmikā khēlna nijī kṣētrakō pahalamā sārvajanika nijī sājhēdārīkō avadhāraṇā anusāra paryaṭana punarut'thāna ṭāska phōrsa–nēpālakō sthāpanā gari'ēkō batā'i'ēkō cha.
Śanibāra viśva paryaṭana divasa pārēra yasakō aupacārika samudaghāṭna gari'ēkō hō.
Ucita, uttaradāyī, sudhārōnmukha tathā racanātmaka rupamā paryaṭana kṣētrakā nētr̥tvadāyī bhūmikāmā rahēkā nirṇayakartā tathā nīti nirmātāharu mājha paryaṭanabārē bujhā'ī baḍhā'una, mukhya sarōkāravālā nikāyaharu bīca pariṇāmamukhī samanvaya sthāpanā garā'una ra dēśabhitrakā paryaṭana kṣētrakā sarōkāravālāharu tathā srōta bajārakā ṭura aparēṭarsa ēvaṁ sambhāvya paryaṭakaharubīca viśvasanīya tathā prabhāvakārī san̄cāra garrnē kāryamā kēndrita rahanē garī yasa kāryadalalē kāryakrama tathā gatividhiharu garnē janā'ēkō cha.
Ṭāska phōrsalē paryaṭanakō digō tathā chiṭō punarut'thāna garna bha'irahēkā rāmrā prayāsaharu tathā āvaśyaka tayārīmā sahayōga garnē ra sakārātmaka sandēśa pravāha garna āntarika tathā bāhya paryaṭana pravadrdhanakā kāryakramaharu sambandhita nikāyalār'ī sujhā'unē ēvaṁ sīmita sādhana ra srōta bha'ē pani kēhī kāryakramaharu āphaim̐ sañcālana garnēcha. Tyastai 10 vaṭā ṭēlibhijana cyānalaharubāṭa nēpālakā pravadrdhanātmaka tathā sakārātmaka sandēśaharu niyamita rupamā samprēṣita garinēcha.
Paryaṭana kṣētrakō nēpālakō samr̥d'dhi yātrāmā ullēkhya bhūmikā ra yōgadāna rahēkō cha. Viśva paryaṭana pariṣadkō san 2019 kō tathyāṅka'anusāra nēpālakō kula grāhastha utpādanamā paryaṭana kṣētrakō yōgadāna 6.7 Pratiśata rahēkō cha bhanē kariba 11 lākha janaśaktikā lāgi paryaṭana kṣētralē rōjagārakā avasaraharu sirjanā garēkō cha.Vidēśī paryaṭakakō kharcabāṭa ārjana hunē niryāta āmdānīmā 30.8 Pratiśatakō yōgadāna rahēkō cha.
Kōrōnākō mahāmārīlē hāmrō svāsthya ra janajīvikāmā mātrai haina arthatantramā pani ṭhūlō cunautī thapēkō cha. Yasa saṅkaṭakō ghaḍīmā suurakṣākā māpadaṇḍa apanā'um̐dai paryaṭanakā gatividhi sucāru hum̐dā rōjagāra ra vyavasāyapunaḥ sucāru garna ra paryaṭana punarut'thāna huna jāna viśvāsa li'i'ēkō cha.
Prāthamikatāharu nirdhāraṇa gardai tatkāla sakriya hunu parnē ṭaḍkārō āvaśyaktālā'ī lā'ī madhyanajara gardai pariṇāmamūkhi kārya–yōjanā ra sarabhā'ibhala, ribhā'ibhala, tathā thrā'ibhalakō spaṣṭa raṇanītikā ādhāramā kāryakrama tathā gatividhiharu taya garī tyasamā sabai mukhya sarōkāravālāharukō prayāsalā'ī jōḍdai chiṭō bhandā chiṭō paryaṭana punarut'thāna garna yō kāryadala lāgi parnē batā'ēkō cha.
Paryaṭana punaḥsan̄cālanakā lāgi paryaṭana kṣētrakō tayārīkā sandarbhamā sarbhēkṣaṇa garnē, surakṣā māpadaṇḍasambandhī sūcanā tathā janacētanākā sacitra sāmagrī tayāra pārnē, vidēśakā an'ya gantavyaharumā bha'irahēkā abhyāsaharukā bārēmā tathya tathā sūcanā saṅkalana garnē, āntarika paryaṭana pravadrdhanakā lāgi vātāvaraṇa banā'unē ra pravadrdhana garnējastā kārya kāryadalalē suru garisakēkō cha. Kāryadalalē āgāmī dinamā āntarika paryaṭanakā lāgi, surakṣā māpadaṇḍapālanā garna lagā'unakā lāgi, sarōkāravālā sansthāharukō bhūmikā utsāhita banā'una, srōta bajārakō bujhā'i ra nēpālalē garnuparnē thapa tayārījastā viṣayaharumā niyamita sanvāda śrr̥khanlā sucāru garnē janā'ēkō cha. Paryaṭana kṣētramā dēkhinē kamīkamajō.̔Īlā'ī ghaṭā'una ra haṭā'una yō kāryadalaparyaṭana punarut'thāna nahunjēla sakriya rahanēcha.
Śanibāra sanskr̥ti, paryaṭana tathā nāgarika uḍḍayana mantrī yōgēśa bhaṭṭarā'īlē paryaṭana punarut'thānakā lāgi bha'ēkō yasa pahalakō praśansā gardai paryaṭana punarut'thānakō pahilō pā'ilā svarupa ‘dēśadarśana’ kāryakramakō suruvāta garē. Sabai sarōkāravālāharu ēka bha'ēra lāgēmātrai paryaṭana punarut'thāna chiṭō huna saknē bhandai sabailā'ī paryaṭanakā lāgi sam̐gasam̐gai huna āgraha garē.
Paryaṭana saciva kēdārabahādura adhikārīlē paryaṭana punarut'thāna kāryadaladvārā grāmīṇa gantabya saśaktīkaraṇa abhiyānakō tālima nirdēśikākō udghāṭana garē. Unalē nijī kṣētradvārā pahala gari'ēkō paryaṭana punarut'thāna kāryadalakō praśansā gardai sthānīya tathā prādēśika sarakāraharusam̐ga thapa samanvaya ra sahakārya garī thapa prabhāvakārī kāryaharu baḍhā'una sujhāva di'ē
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