In Nepal, 1573 corona infections were added in one day and 885 were cured


In Nepal, 1573 corona infections were added in one day and 885 were cured

In the last 24 hours, an additional 1,573 people have been infected with the corona virus in Nepal.

At a regular press briefing at the Ministry of Health and Population on Sunday, ministry spokesperson Prada Jageshwor Gautam said corona infection had been confirmed in an additional 1,573 people across the country.

With the new additions, the number of infected people in Nepal has reached 73,394, while today the number of infected people in the country is 19,019. In the last 24 hours, 10,123 PCR tests have been performed.

There are 8 thousand 321 in institutional isolation.

In the last 24 hours, another 885 people have recovered and been discharged. At the same time, the number of evacuees has reached 53,898.

Corona confirmed in 809 people in Kathmandu Valley on the same day

In the last 24 hours, another 809 people have been infected with corona virus in Kathmandu Valley.

As per the information given by the Ministry of Health and Population on Sunday, corona infection has been confirmed in 809 more people in three districts of the Kathmandu Valley.

According to the ministry, 633 corona cases have been confirmed in Kathmandu, 72 in Bhaktapur and 104 in Lalitpur.

Corona was confirmed in 724 people in the Valley on Saturday.

Nēpālamā ēkaidina 15 saya 73 kōrōnā saṅkramita thapi'ē, 885 nikō bha'ē
nēpālamā pachillō 24 ghaṇṭāmā thapa 1 hajāra 573janāmā kōrōnā bhā'irasakō saṅkramaṇa puṣṭi bha'ēkō cha.
Ā'itabāra svāsthya tathā janasaṅkhyā mantrālayakō niyamita prēsa briphiṅamā mantrālayakā pravaktā prāḍā jāgēśvara gautamalē dēśabharamā  thapa 1 hajāra 573 janāmā kōrōnā saṅkramaṇa puṣṭi bha'ēkō batā'ē.
Nayām̐ thapi'ēkāsam̐gai nēpālamā saṅkramitakō saṅkhyā 73 hajāra 3 saya 94 pugēkō cha  bhanē āja dēśamā saṅkriya saṅkramitakō saṅkhyā 19 hajāra 19 rahēkō cha. Pachillō 24 ghaṇṭāmā 10 hajāra 1 saya 23 pīsī'āra parīkṣaṇa bha'ēkā chan .
Sansthāgata ā'isōlēnamā 8 hajāra 321 rahēkā chan.
Pachillāē 24 ghaṇṭāmā thapa 885 janā nikō bha'ēra ḍiscārja bha'ēkā chan. Yāēsam̐gai  nikāē hunēkāē saṅkhyā 53 hajāra 8 98 pugēkāē cha. 

Kāṭhamāḍaum̐ upatyakāmā ēkaidina 809 janāmā kōrōnā puṣṭi

kāṭhamāḍaum̐ upatyakāmā pachillō 24 ghaṇṭamā thapa 809 janāmā kōrōnā bhā'irasakō saṅkramaṇa puṣṭi bha'ēkō cha.
Ā'itabāra svāsthya tathā janasaṅkhyā mantrālayalē di'ēkō jānakārī anusāra upatyakākā tīna jillāmā thapa 809 janāmā kōrōnā saṅkramaṇa puṣṭi hō.

 Mantrālayakā anusāra upatyakākā kāṭhamāḍaum̐mā 633, bhaktapuramā 72 ra lalitapuramā 104 thapa janāmā kōrōnā puṣṭi bha'ēkō hō. 
Śanibāra upatyakāmā 724 janāmā kōrōnā puṣṭi bha'ēkō thiyō.

In Nepal, 1573 corona infections were added in one day and 885 were cured In Nepal, 1573 corona infections were added in one day and 885 were cured Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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