Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa has said that he will not allow any shortfall in the services provided by the government to the locals of Darchula district.

Home Minister Thapa, who visited various places in the area, assured the people of Vyas that they would not have to go anywhere else for basic services from now on.
Home Minister Thapa unveiled the Armed Police Force (APF) at Gulm Darchula, a village in Darchula.
On the occasion, he also laid the foundation stone of the new Gulm Bhawan to be constructed in Chhangaru.
On Friday, Home Minister Thapa, accompanied by Home Secretary Maheshwar Neupane and Inspector General of Armed Police Shailendra Khanal, reached Chhangaru in Darchula district from a Nepal Army helicopter.
In an interaction with the locals, Home Minister Thapa said that the government has focused on setting up health and other administrative offices in the area.
Thapa expressed the government's commitment to promote tourism in the region and bring more programs for the convenience of the people.
Speaking on the occasion, Darchula MP Ganesh Singh Thagunna said that the Union Home Minister Chhangaru had come and encouraged the locals.
Home Secretary Maheshwar Neupane said that the government would maintain a strong presence in the area, adding that citizens along with security personnel would play an important role in border security.
Inspector General of Armed Police Shailendra Khanal had instructed the subordinate security personnel to be honest, disciplined and loyal to the responsibility of border security of the nation and security of the local people with high morale.
Political Advisor to the Home Minister Surya Subedi, Security Advisor Indrajit Rai and Additional Inspector General of the Armed Police Ram Sharan Poudel were also present on the occasion.
The building is being constructed at a cost of around Rs 90 million. The construction of the building, which is conducive to the local environment, will make it easier for the Armed Police Force to be deployed permanently.
A border outpost of the Armed Police Force has been set up in Changaru on April 13. The same BOP has been upgraded to Gulma in line with the objective of strengthening border security.
Nepal has also strengthened its security presence in Chhangru after the Indian side encroached on Kalapani, Lipulek and Limpiyadhura areas in the remote Darchula district bordering India.
Gr̥hamantrī rāmabahādura thāpālē dārculā jillākō chāṅaru pugēra tyahām̐kā sthānīyavāsīlā'ī sarakārī nikāyabāṭa pradāna garinē sēvā suvidhāmā kunai kamī huna nadinē batā'ēkā chan.
Lāairāē ṭēkēra tyahām̐kā bibhinna ṭhā'um̐kāē avalāēkana garēkā gr̥hamantrī thāpālē abadēkhi ādhārabhūta sēvākā lāgi an'yatra kahīm̐ jāna naparnē bhanī vyāsavāsīlā'ī āśvasta pārēkā hun.
Gr̥hamantrī thāpālē saśastra praharī balakō dārculāsthita vyāsa gā'um̐pālikā chāṅgarumā sthāpanā bha'ēkō saśastra praharī bala gulma dārculākō ēka samārōhabīca anāvaraṇa garēkā thi'ē.
Sōhī avasaramā unalē chāṅgarumā nayām̐ nirmāṇa hunē ukta gulma bhavanakō pani śilān'yāsa garēkā thi'ē.
Śukrabāra nēpālī sēnākō hēlīkapṭarabāṭa gr̥hasaciba mahēśvara n'yaupānē ra saśastra praharī mahānirīkṣaka śailēndra khanālasahita dārculā jillākō chāṅgaru pugēkā gr̥hamantrī thāpālē vyāsa gā'um̐pālikākā vibhinna sthānaharukō sthalagata avalōkana garnukā sāthai sthānīya vāsindāharusam̐ga antarakriyā garēkā thi'ē.
Sthānīya janatāsam̐gakō antarakriyāmā gr̥hamantrī thāpālē tyasa ṭhā'um̐mā svāsthya tathā an'ya praśāsanika kāryālayaharukō sthāpanā garnē kurāmā sarakārakō dhyāna pugēkō batā'ēkā thi'ē.
Thāpālē tyasa kṣētrakō paryaṭana pravard'dhanamā sarakāra lāgnē ra janatākō suvidhākō lāgi thapa kāryakrama lyā'inē pratibad'dhatā janā'ēkā chan.
Sōhi kāryakramamā bōldai dārculākā sānsada gaṇēśa sinha ṭhagunnālē kēndra sarakārakā gr̥hamantrī chāṅgaru ā'ēra sthānīyavāsīlā'ī utsāhita garēkō batā'ēkā thi'ē.
Gr̥hasaciba mahēśvara n'yaupānēlē tyasa kṣētramā sarakārakō saghana upasthiti kāyama rākhinē batā'um̐dai sīmā surakṣāmā surakṣākarmī sam̐gai nāgarikakō samēta mahatvapūrṇa bhūmikā rahanē batā'ē.
Saśastra praharī mahānirīkṣaka śailēndra khanālalē mātahata surakṣākarmīlā'ī imāndāra¸ anuśāsita ra vaphādāra bha'ī rāṣṭrakō sīmā surakṣākō jim'mēvārī ra sthānīya janatākō surakṣā ucca manōvalakā sātha garna nirdēśana di'ēkā thi'ē.
Sō kāryakramamā gr̥hamantrīkā rājanitika sallāhakāra surya suvēdī¸ surakṣā sallāhakāra īndrajita rā'ī ra saśastra praharī atirikta mahānirīkṣaka rāmaśaraṇa pauḍēla lagāyata surakṣā nikāyakā ucca padādhikārīkō samētakō upasthiti thiyō.
Ukta bhavana kariba 9 karōḍa rupaiyām̐kō lāgatamā nirmāṇa huna lāgēkō hō. Sthānīya vātāvaraṇa anukula hunē ukta bhavana nirmāṇapaścāta saśastra praharī balalā'ī sthāyī rupamā tainātha huna sahaja hunēcha.
Gata baiśākha 31 gatē chāṅgarumā saśastra praharī balakō bōrḍara ā'uṭa pōṣṭa sthāpanā bha'ēkō hō. Sīmā surakṣālā'ī thapa majavuda banā'unē uddēśya'anurupa sōhī bi'ōpīlā'ī starōnnati garī gulmamā pariṇata gari'ēkō hō.
Bhāratasam̐ga sīmā jōḍi'ēkō durgama dārculā jillāmā parnē kālāpānī, lipulēka ra limpiyādhurā kṣētramā bhāratīya pakṣalē atikramaṇa garnukā sāthai tyahām̐ surakṣākarmīkō upasthiti ra an'ya gatibidhi vyāpakarupamā vr̥d'dhi garēpachi nēpālalē pani chāṅarumā surakṣā upasthiti baliyō banā'ēkō hō.
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