Army clashes in Congo
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Purnachandra Thapa has directed to take action against the culprit after three captains of a Nepal Army team deployed in the Congo under the UN Mission reportedly beat his subordinate soldiers to death.

Meanwhile, the army has formed a court of inquiry headed by a senior major. Preliminary investigations launched by the army after receiving the news of the incident have shown that the soldiers and the bosses started shouting after consuming alcohol.
As the rumors spread, military sources claimed that the boys were "disrespectful". Preliminary investigations have revealed that the drunken captains also beat them up in the same manner, telling them not to make noise.
However, the investigation has revealed that both sides have not complied with the dignity. Military sources claimed that those who made mistakes and weaknesses would be punished accordingly. However, the main fighters in the peacekeeping force are given the right to sit in the summary court.
He can take action against both the youth and the officer to some extent. As there will be a technical law officer and a doctor in the peacekeeping force, necessary investigation and physical examination can be done from there.
One of the severely beaten soldiers is said to be a hero. Many others in Hanahan had given up both discipline and speed due to intoxication. Military officials say such deadly attacks often occur when peacekeepers return home.
It is time for the current team, which has been in the Congo for a year, to return. According to the schedule, preparations have been made to bring them to Nepal a decade ago. He has also experienced such incidents due to six months of closed training before joining the peacekeeping force and irritability among the youth and officers while living abroad for a year.
Kaṅgōmā sēnāvīca kuṭapiṭa kāṇḍakō curō kurō
rāṣṭrasaṅghīya miśana'antargata kaṅgōmā tainātha nēpālī sēnākō ṭōlīmā tīnajanā kyāpṭēnalē āphū mātahatakā sainikalā'ī maraṇāsanna hunēgarī kuṭēkō ghaṭanā bāhiri'ēpachi pradhāna sēnāpati pūrṇacandra thāpālē dōṣīlā'ī hadaisam'ma kārabāhī garna nirdēśana di'ēkā chan.
Yasaibīca sēnālē variṣṭha mējarakō nētr̥tvamā kōrṭa apha inkvāyarī gaṭhana garēkō batā'i'ēkō cha. Ghaṭanākō khabara prāpta hunāsātha sēnālē thālēkō prārambhika anusandhānamā sainika javāna ra hākimaharūlē mādaka padārtha sēvana garēra hōhallā garēkō dēkhi'ēkō cha.
Hallā baḍhdai ga'ēpachi samjhā'um̐dā ‘kēṭāharūlē maryādā nāghēkō’ sainika srōtakō dābī cha. Raksīlē mātēkā kyāpṭēnaharūlē pani tyahi silasilāmā unīharūlā'ī hallā nagarna bhandai nirghāt kuṭēkō prārambhika anusandhānamā khulēkō cha.
Tara,dubai tarphabāṭa maryādākō pālanā bhanē nabha'ēkō anusandhānabāṭa pattā lāgēkō cha. Galti ra kamajōrī jasalē garēpani sōbamōjimakō kārabāhī hunē sainika srōtalē dābī garyō. Hunataḥ śānti sēnāmā rahēkā pramukha sēnānīlā'ī samarī adālata basnē adhikāra di'i'ēkō huncha.
Usalē javāna ra adhikr̥ta dubailā'ī tyahim̐ ēka hadasam'makō kārabāhī garna sakcha. Śānti sēnāmā ēkajanā prāvidhika kānūna adhikr̥ta ra cikitsaka pani hunē bha'ēkālē āvaśyaka chānabīna ra śārīrika parikṣaṇa tyahim̐bāṭa garna sakincha.
Kuṭapiṭa gari'ēkā sainikamadhyē sakhta ghā'itē ēkajanā nāyaka rahēkō batā'i'ēkō cha. Hānāhānamā aru dhēraijanālē cām̐hi naśākō suramā anuśāsana ra gati dubai chāḍēkā thi'ē. Śānti sēnāmā jahilē pani muluka pharkinē bēlā yastā sāṅghātika ākramaṇakā ghaṭanā prāyaḥ hunē garēkō sainika adhikr̥taharū batā'um̐chan.
Ēka varṣadēkhi kaṅgōmā rahēkō ahilēkō ṭōlī pani pharkinē bēlā bha'ēkō cha. Sēḍyula'anusāra daśaiṁaghi unīharūlā'ī nēpāla lyā'unē tayārī gari'ēkō cha. Śānti sēnāmā jānu'aghi cha mahinākō banda tālima ra ēka varṣadēkhi vidēśamā rahadā javāna ra adhikr̥taharūmā ciḍaciḍ'̔āhaṭapana ā'unē bha'ēkālē pani yastō ghaṭanā hunē unīharūkō anubhava cha.
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