In terms of area, Pokhara Metropolitan City, the country's largest metropolis, has found such an example of economic woes: Rs 130 million of revenue is not in the bank account, it has disappeared. According to the annual report 077 of the Auditor General's Office, 130 million accounts have been lost in the metropolis in the fiscal year 075/76. There is news in today's new magazine daily.

As per the details received from the revenue branch, the total income is Rs 1.39 billion. However, according to the account of the metropolitan reserve fund, the revenue has been Rs 1.26 billion that year. The difference in the revenue of the revenue branch is seen after it is seen that Rs 1.268 billion has been deposited in the reserve fund account of Rastriya Banijya Bank from Muktinath Development Bank. According to the report of the Accountant General, 130 million has been lost.
The metropolis has stated that only Rs 17.3 million has been differentiated and is studying the matter. The metropolis has deposited Rs 1.38 billion in the Rastriya Banijya Bank account through various banks, according to a press release. Dhan Bahadur Nepali, spokesperson of the metropolis, said that the difference was only Rs 17.3 million and an investigation was underway into the difference.
Not only this, according to the report of the Accountant General, there are other examples of economic woes in the metropolis. The people's representatives and employees have been found to have taken illegal allowances, spent arbitrarily on fuel, spent in the name of consultancy, failed to manage garbage and parking contracts, and bought vehicles in an irregular manner. Not only this, Beruju has also increased.
Out of 33 wards in Pokhara Metropolitan City, 11 wards have been won by the Nepali Congress. Stating that there is economic crisis in the metropolis, he has made public through a press conference that there are 16 points of financial and irregularities in the metropolis along with a seven-point letter of attention.
"We have been giving verbal and written suggestions to the leadership of the metropolis time and time again," said Ram Raj Lamichhane, leader and whip of the Pokhara metropolitan party. Nepalis said that they will move forward by correcting the existing shortcomings. He said that a committee is being formed to study the suggestions given by the Accountant General and to solve the economic problems. He said that action would be taken against those who made mistakes on the basis of the report given by the committee. We may have made some mistakes from the people's representatives, some from the employees. He said that the metropolis will move ahead as per the report given by the committee after the study.
The metropolis has spent Rs 12.35 million on fuel without keeping records and vehicle lockbooks. The report states that the metropolis has not done so even though it has been mentioned that fuel facility will be provided to the officials who get vehicle facility as per the working guideline 2073 issued by the Ministry of Finance.
The metropolis has written 16.475 million expenses in 45 different transactions and has not submitted any proof of the expenses including Goswara Vichar. The accountant general has asked to submit the proof of expenditure as the accuracy of the amount is not sure.
In the meeting of the Municipal Assembly held in January 2018, 167 people including the mayor, deputy mayor, ward chairperson and members at the rate of one thousand five hundred rupees per day for two days, It has been found that a total of nine lakh 44 thousand rupees has been taken in the fifth municipal council meeting held at the rate of one thousand five hundred rupees per day. The Accountant General has directed to collect from the local level officials and members saying that the service act 2074 is against them. They have received Rs 72,000 allowance for the meeting held in the office with the mayor, meeting related to information technology friendly school, construction of educational calendar and other meetings.
In the name of incentive facility, the metropolis has repeatedly decided to give Rs 4,000 monthly allowance and Rs 2,000 dearness allowance to its employees. It has been found that it has been distributed illegally. According to the Accountant General, the expenditure was made contrary to Article 88 of the Local Government Operation Act, 2074 BS and the circular issued by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration on July 6, 2010.

The Local Government Operation Act has provided for the establishment of a retirement fund to provide facilities including gratuity and medical treatment on the basis of the contribution of local service employees. However, Pokhara has not been able to manage the fund and has paid a total of Rs.
According to Article 38 of the Local Government Operation Act, 2074 BS, the local level, after analyzing its jurisdiction and workload, has to propose staff posts for permanent work and service contract based on the organization and management survey and temporary posts cannot be created. Since last year, the metropolis has recruited 238 employees including seven directly to the fire brigade, 111 to the municipality, 32 to the engineer-sub-engineer, 49 to the sanitation and 39 to the teacher-volunteer and paid them Rs 63.4 million for services.
The report also states that the metropolis has spent Rs 2.58 million on photo-video, design, lunch and sound system in the two municipal assemblies held in January 2018 and July 2019.
Consultancy services have been procured for DPR, survey, design, cost estimation, report preparation and Rs. 46.11 million has been paid for 12 titles. It has been questioned that the consultancy services have been procured time and time again without having to work through competition by making the same package while making the payment and the report of those works has not been tied to the store income and has not been implemented. Similarly, the metropolis has spent Rs. 579,000 in the name of debate and advocacy despite having manpower for legal advice in the office.
The metropolis has arranged its own landfill for waste management from the urban areas. It was handed over to 11 organizations in 073 BS four years ago saying that there would be no other arrangement for garbage collection and management. The report states that 80 percent of the collected amount has been distributed to the party and 20 percent to the metropolis.
Out of the amount distributed by the wards in the name of social security, 24.91 million double payments have been made and the accountant general has asked to collect the overpaid amount. While distributing the social security allowance, it is the double withdrawal given to those who have the same citizenship number and the amount given to those who do not have citizenship. Of the 33 wards in the metropolis, Ward No. 1 has distributed allowances to 66 people with the same citizenship number and Ward No. 10 to 208 people without citizenship.
The accountant general has asked the schools to submit the basis of 47 lakh 27 thousand days of disbursement in excess of the salary demanded by the schools or to recover it.
Rejecting the provision that the local level is not allowed to spend the money received from the government of Nepal on any kind of financial assistance, the metropolis has allocated Rs. 5,000 to Rs. .
The accountant general has asked to take necessary initiative to ensure the quality of construction work as five dozen projects worth Rs 65.11 million constructed in different places are not up to the specified standards and quality and test report has not been prepared by the concerned technicians. It has been found that the construction work given to the Consumers Committee has been done by the construction businessmen. The technical staff has not prepared a report for the quality of solar lights installed in different areas at a cost of Rs 31.2 million.
In violation of the Public Procurement Act and regulations, a pickup Scorpio of Mahendra was bought for Rs 44.35 lakh, two tippers for Rs 60.97 lakh and a motorcycle for Rs 1.488 lakh, according to the accountant general.
With the addition of Rs. 624.7 million in the Fiscal Year 075/76, the balance of the metropolis has reached Rs. 1.26 billion.
The Accountant General has said to spend Rs. 52.39 million for real estate rent and make it economical and transparent following the provisions of the Act. This is the total amount of rent paid by the metropolis for the operation of 12 ward offices in different places that did not have their own building.
There is a provision for public bodies to purchase goods with an estimated cost of more than Rs 1 million through sealed bids and when purchasing goods worth more than Rs 2 million through bids. However, the accountant general has questioned that it could not be considered as regular as Pokhara had procured goods worth Rs 37 million without competing with the technical specifications and quality of the goods as per the rules and regulations.
The accountant general has questioned the Rs 42.23 lakh given to various companies and firms without the technical confirmation of public bodies.
According to Rule 36 (3) of the Financial Rules, 2066 BS, even though it is not possible to write expenses without paying the bills, the metropolis has disbursed 2.324 million pesos to the two organizations by entering only vouchers and cash without proof. 1.378 million has been disbursed on the basis of vouchers without submitting the bill-reimbursement.
According to the report, the corporation has not collected Rs. 197.23 million from 55 entrepreneurs for its internal revenue.
It has been found that Pokhara has not been able to collect Rs.
The metropolis has also failed to collect parking fees. The parking contract has not been managed so far due to the inability of the metropolis to manage the contract on time and increase the previous year's promise by 163 percent. Due to which the annual income of the metropolis has decreased by tens of millions. The metropolis has lost millions of rupees in revenue annually due to its inability to manage hoarding boards.
As 15 percent tax has to be deducted on the purchase of more than Rs 20,000, various companies have been given around Rs 5 million in cash and instructions have been given to collect the amount. The accountant general says that the invoices were used in pieces for the purpose of tax evasion and no advance tax was deducted while paying the amount.
Kṣētraphalakō hisābalē dēśakai ṭhūlō mahānagara pōkharā mahānagarapālikāmā ārthika bēthitikō yastō udāharaṇa bhēṭi'ēkō cha– rājasvakō 13 karōḍa rupaiyām̐ baiṅka khātāmā chaina, gāyaba bha'ēkō cha . Mahālēkhāparīkṣakakō kāryālayakōē vārṣika prativēdana 077 anusāra ārthika varṣa 075÷76 mā mahānagaramā 13 karōḍa ēka lākhakō hisāba harā'ēkō cha . Ājakō nayām̐ patrikā dainikamā khabara cha.
Rājasva śākhābāṭa prāpta vivaraṇa'anusāra kula āya ēka arba 39 karōḍa 82 lākha cha . Tara, mahānagarakō sañcita kōṣakō khātā'anusāra tyasa varṣa ēka arba 26 karōḍa 80 lākha āmdānī bha'ēkō cha . Muktinātha vikāsa baiṅkabāṭa rāṣṭriya vāṇijya baiṅkamā rahēkō sañcita kōṣa khātāmā ēka arba 26 karōḍa 80 lākha jam'mā bha'ēkō dēkhi'ēpachi rājasva śākhākō āmdānībīca pharaka dēkhi'ēkō hō . Yasa'anusāra 13 karōḍa du'ī lākha hisābamā harā'ēkō mahālēkhākō prativēdanamā cha .
Mahānagaralē ēka karōḍa 73 lākhakō hisāba mātra pharaka parēkō ra tyasa viṣayamā adhyayana garirahēkō janā'ēkō cha . Mahanagaralē vibhinna baiṅkamārphata mahānagarakō rāṣṭriya vāṇijya baiṅkamā rahēkō khātāmā ēka arba 38 karōḍa nau lākha jam'mā bha'ēkō prēsa vijñaptimārphata jānakārī di'ēkō cha . Mahānagarakā pravaktā dhanabahādura nēpālīlē pharaka rakama ēka karōḍa 73 lākha mātra rahēkō ra pharaka rakama sambandhamā chānabina bha'irahēkō batā'ē .
Yati mātrai hō'ina, mahālēkhākō prativēdana'anusāra mahānagaramā ārthika bēthitikā arū pani udāharaṇa chan . Janapratinidhi ra karmacārīlē niyamaviparīta bhattā li'ēkō, indhanamā manaparī kharca garēkō, parāmarśakō nāmamā kharca garēkō, phōhōramailā ra pārkiṅa ṭhēkkā vyavasthāpana garna nasakēkō, aniyamita tarikālē savārī kharida garēkō jastā bēthiti bhēṭi'ēkā chan . Yati mātrai hō'ina, bēruju pani baḍhēkō cha .
Pōkharā mahānagarapālikāmā 33 vaḍ'̔āharū rahēkāmā 11 vaḍāmā adhyakṣa kāṅgrēsatarphabāṭa jitēkā chan . Mahānagaramā ārthika bēthiti dēkhi'ēkō bhandai unīharūlē mahānagaramā sātabum̐dē dhyānākarṣaṇa patrasam̐gai mahānagaramā 16 bum̐dāmā ārthika ēvaṁ aniyamitatā bha'ēkō patrakāra sam'mēlanamārphata sārvajanika garēkā chan .
‘Hāmīlē paṭaka–paṭaka mahānagarapālikākō nētr̥tvalā'ī jhakajhakā'unē, maukhika ēvaṁ likhita sujhāba dim̐dai ā'ēkā thiyaum̐,’ pōkharā mahānagarapālikā dalakō nētā tathā sacētaka rāmarāja lāmichānēlē bhanē, ‘ajhai pani manōmānī narōki'ēkō viṣayabārē pōkharēlī nagaravāsīlā'ī sacēta garā'una cāhanchaum̐ .’Mahānagarapālikākā pravaktā tathā pōkharā–5 kā vaḍādhyakṣa dhanabahādura nēpālīlē bha'ēkā ra dēkhi'ēkā kamī–kamajōrī sudhāra gardai aghi baḍhnē batā'ē . Mahālēkhālē di'ēkō sujhāba ra dēkhi'ēkā ārthika samasyā samādhānakā lāgi ēka samiti banā'ēra adhyayanakō kāma bha'irahēkō unalē batā'ē . Samitilē di'ēkō prativēdanakā ādhāramā galtī garnēlā'ī kārabāhī ra sudhāra garnuparnē kurāharū sudhāra garnē unalē batā'ē . Kēhī galtī hāmī janapratinidhibāṭa bha'ē hōlān, kēhī karmacārībāṭa . Adhyayanapachi samitilē di'ēkō prativēdana'anusāra mahānagara aghi baḍhnē bhanā'i unakō cha .
Mahānagaralē abhilēkhasam̐gai savārī lakabukasamēta narākhī indhanamā ēka karōḍa 23 lākha 55 hajāra kharca garēkō cha . Artha mantrālayadvārā jārī kāryasañcālana nirdēśikā 2073 bamōjima savārīsādhana suvidhā pā'unē padādhikārīlā'ī indhana suvidhā upalabdha garā'unē ullēkha bha'ē pani mahānagaralē tyasō nagarēkō prativēdanamā ullēkha cha .
Mahānagaralē vibhinna 45 vaṭā kārōbāramā ēka karōḍa 64 lākha 75 hajāra kharca lēkhēkōmā ukta kharcakō gōsvārā bhaicaralagāyata kharca puṣṭyā'im̐ hunē kunai pramāṇa pēsa garēkō chaina . Kharca lēkhi'ēkō sō rakamakō yathārthatā yakina nabha'ēkālē kharcakō pramāṇa pēsa garna mahālēkhālē bhanēkō cha .
Māgha 075 mā bha'ēkō nagara sabhā baiṭhakamā mēyara upamēyarasam̐gai vaḍā adhyakṣa ra sadasyaharū garī 167 janālē dinakō ēka hajāra pām̐ca sayakō daralē du'ī dinakō, 075 caitamā cauthō nagarasabhāmā pēsa hunē aina niyamakō masyaudā nirmāṇakā lāgi mēyarasahita upasthita vidhāyana samitikō baiṭhakamā sahabhāgī 48 janālē ēka hajārakā daralē ra asāra 076 mā sampanna pām̐caum̐ nagarasabhāmā bhattābāpata dinakō ēka hajāra pām̐ca sayakō daralē li'ēkō baiṭhaka bhattā garī kula nau lākha 44 hajāra li'ēkō pā'i'ēkō cha . Sthānīya tahakā padādhikārī tathā sadasyaharūkō sēvāsambandhī aina 2074 viparīta rahēkō bhandai unīharūbāṭa asula garna mahālēkhālē nirdēśana di'ēkō cha . Mēyarasahita kāryālayamā bha'ēkō baiṭhaka, sūcanā pravidhimaitrī vidyālayasambandhī baiṭhaka, śaikṣika kyālēnḍara nirmāṇalagāyatakō baiṭhakabāpata 72 hajāra bhattā li'ēkā chan .
Mahānagaralē prōtsāhana suvidhākā nāmamā paṭaka–paṭaka nirṇaya gadai karmacārīlā'ī māsika rūpamā sthānīya bhattā cāra hajāra ra maham̐gī bhattā du'ī hajāra garī 284 karmacārīlā'ī ēka karōḍa 98 lākha 22 hajāra ra atirikta kāryabāpata bhandai sacivālaya, sarasaphā'i, nagarapraharī ra kēhī karmacārīlā'ī di'ēkō 12 lākha garī du'ī karōḍa 10 lākha niyamaviparīta vitaraṇa garēkō pā'i'ēkō cha . Sthānīya sarakāra sañcālana aina, 2074 kō daphā 88 ra saṅghīya māmilā tathā sāmān'ya praśāsana mantrālayalē 19 asāra 070 mā jārī garēkō paripatraviparīta kharca bha'ēkō mahālēkhākō bhanā'i cha .
Sthānīya sarakāra sañcālana ainalē sthānīya sēvākā karmacārīkō yōgadānamā ādhāramā upadāna, auṣadhōpacāralagāyata suvidhā upalabdha garā'una avakāśa kōṣa sthāpanā garnuparnē vyavasthā garēkō cha . Tara, pōkharālē sō kōṣakō vyavasthā nagarī upadāna śīrṣakamā ēka karōḍa 78 lākha, sēvānivr̥tta auṣadhōpacāramā 41 lākha ra sañcita bidāmā 34 lākha garī kula du'ī karōḍa 34 lākha bhuktānī garēkō pā'i'ēkō cha .
Sthānīya sarakāra sañcālana aina, 2074 kō daphā 38 anusāra sthānīya tahalē āphnō adhikāra kṣētra ra kāryabōjhakō viślēṣaṇa garī saṅgaṭhana tathā vyavasthāpana sarvēkṣaṇakā ādhāramā sthāyī prakr̥tikō kāmakā lāgi tathā sēvā karārabāṭa li'inē karmacārī darabandī prastāva garnuparnē ra asthāyī darabandī sirjanā garna nasakinē vyavasthā cha . Vigata varṣadēkhi nai mahānagaralē pratispardhābēgara sōjhai damakalatarpha sāta, pālikātarpha ēka saya 11, injiniyara–saba'injiniyara 32, sarasaphā'imā 49 ra śikṣikā–svayansēvikā 39 garī du'ī saya 38 karmacārī bharnā garēkō ra unīharūlā'ī sēvā–suvidhābāpata 6 karōḍa 34 lākha bhuktānī garēkō pā'i'ēkō cha .
Mahānagaralē māgha 075 ra asāra 076 mā sampanna garēkō du'ī nagara sabhāmā phōṭō–bhiḍiyō, ḍijā'ina, khājā, sā'unḍa sisṭamalagāyatamā garī 25 lākha āṭha hajāra kharca garēkō pani prativēdanamā cha .
Ḍipi'āra, sarbhē, ḍijā'ina, lāgata anumāna, prativēdana tayāralagāyata kāmamā parāmarśa sēvā kharida garēkō ra tyasabāpata 12 śīrṣakamā 46 lākha 11 hajāra bhuktānī di'i'ēkō cha . Bhuktānī dim̐dā ē'uṭai pyākēja banā'ī pratispardhābāṭa kāma garā'unuparnē nagarī paṭaka–paṭaka parāmarśa sēvā kharida garēkō ra tī kāmakō prativēdana sṭōra āmdānīsamēta nabām̐dhi'ēkō ra kāryānvayanasamēta nabha'ēkō bhandai praśna uṭhā'i'ēkō cha . Yasaigarī mahānagaralē kāryālayamā kānunī parāmarśakā lāgi janaśakti hum̐dāhum̐dai bahasa–pairavīkā nāmamā pām̐ca lākha 79 hajāra kharca garēkō cha .
Nagara kṣētrabāṭa uṭhnē phōhōra vyavasthāpanakā lāgi mahānagaralē āphnai lyānḍaphilakō vyavasthā garēkō cha . Phōhōra saṅkalana ra vyavasthāpanakā lāgi arkō vyavasthā nabha'ēsam'makā lāgi bhandai cāra varṣa'aghi 073 mā 11 sansthālā'ī jim'mā di'i'ēkō thiyō . Uṭhā'ēkō rakamamadhyē 80 pratiśata uṭhā'unē pakṣalā'ī ra 20 pratiśata mahānagaralā'ī bām̐ḍaphām̐ḍa garnē samjhautā bha'ēkōmā sēvāgrāhīsam̐ga kē–kuna ādhāramā rakama uṭhā'ēkō hō sō yakina nagarēkō, tyasa varṣa uṭhēkō tīna karōḍa 93 lākha uṭhtī rājasva yakina garna nasaki'ēkō prativēdanamā cha .
Sāmājika surakṣākā nāmamā vaḍ'̔āharūlē vitaraṇa garēkō rakamamadhyē 24 lākha 91 hajāra dōhōrō bhuktānī di'i'ēkālē baḍhī bhuktānī bha'ēkō rakama asula garna mahālēkhālē bhanēkō cha . Sāmājika surakṣā bhattā vitaraṇa gardā nāgarikatā nambara ē'uṭai bha'ēkālā'ī di'i'ēkō dōhōrō nikāsā ra nāgarikatā nai nabha'ēkā di'i'ēkōē rakama hō . Mahānagarakā 33 vaḍāmadhyē sabaibhandā dhērai vaḍā nambara 1 lē nāgarikatā nambara ē'uṭai bha'ēkā 66 janā ra vaḍā nambara 10 lē nāgarikatā nabha'ēkā du'ī saya āṭhajanālā'ī bhattā vitaraṇa garēkō cha .
Vidyālayaharūlē māga garēkō talababhandā baḍhī nikāsā bha'ēkō 47 lākha 27 hajāra dina milnē ādhāra pēsa garna ra nabha'ē asula garna mahālēkhālē bhanēkō cha .
Sthānīya tahalē nēpāla sarakārakō anudānabāṭa prāpta rakama kunai pani prakārakō ārthika sahāyatāmā kharca garna napā'unē vyavasthā rahēkōmā tyasalā'ī latyā'um̐dai mahānagaralē āntarika srōtatarphabāṭa bajēṭa viniyōjana garī pām̐ca hajāradēkhi du'ī lākhasam'ma upacāra kharca, ghara kṣati, rājanītika dalasam̐ga ābad'dha saṅghasansthā, karmacārīlagāyatalā'ī garī 12 lākha 30 hajāra niyamaviparīta vitaraṇa garēkō cha .
Vibhinna sthānamā nirmāṇa gari'ēkā 6 karōḍa 51 lākhakā pām̐ca darjana āyōjanā tōki'ēkō māpadaṇḍa ra guṇastarabamōjima nabha'ēkō ra sambandhita prāvidhikabāṭa parīkṣaṇa prativēdanasamēta tayāra nabha'ēkālē nirmāṇa kāryakō guṇastara suniścitatā garna āvaśyaka pahala garna mahālēkhālē bhanēkō cha . Upabhōktā samitilā'ī di'i'ēkō nirmāṇakō kāma nirmāṇa vyavasāyīlē garēkō pā'i'ēkō cha . Vibhinna kṣētramā tīna karōḍa 12 lākhamā jaḍāna gari'ēkō saurya battīkō guṇastarakā lāgi prāvidhika karmacārīlē prativēdana tayāra nagarēkō .
Sārvajanika kharida aina ra niyamāvalī micēra 44 lākha 35 hajāramā ēka thāna mahēndrakō pika'apa skārapiyō ra 60 lākha 97 hajāramā ṭipara du'īvaṭā tathā 14 lākha 88 hajārakō mōṭarasā'ikala kharida garēkō mahālēkhālē janā'ēkō cha .
Ārthika varṣa 075÷76 mā thapi'ēkō 62 karōḍa 47 lākha bērujusam̐gai mahānagarakō bēruju ēka arba 26 karōḍa 58 lākha pugēkō cha .
Gharajaggā bhāḍābāpata 52 lākha 39 hajāra kharca garēkōmā aina–niyamamā bha'ēkō prāvadhānalā'ī anusaraṇasam̐gai mitavyayī ra pāradarśī banā'una mahālēkhālē bhanēkō cha . Mahānagaralē āphnai bhavana nabha'ēkā 12 vaṭā vaḍā kāryālaya sañcālanakā lāgi vibhinna sthānamā li'ēkō gharakō tyasa varṣa bhuktānī garēkō bhāḍābāpatakō kula rakama hō .
Sārvajanika nikāyalē 10 lākha rupaiyām̐bhandā baḍhī lāgata anumānakō mālasāmāna kharida gardā silabandī darabhā'upatrabāṭa ra 20 lākhabhandā baḍhīkō kharida gardā bōlapatrabāṭa garnuparnē vyavasthā rahēkō cha . Tara, pōkharālē niyamakō vyavasthā'anusāra pratispardhā garā'ī prāvidhika spēsēphikēsana ra guṇastarabamōjima bha'ē–nabha'ēkō nirīkṣaṇa ra parīkṣaṇa garī mālasāmāna kharida nagarī sam̐gai pyākēja tathā vidhisamēta taya nagarī ṭukrāṭukrā garī tīna karōḍa sāta lākhakō sāmāna kharida garēkālē yasalā'ī niyamita mānna nasakinē bhandai mahālēkhālē praśna uṭhā'ēkō cha .
Sārvajanika nikāyakō prāvidhika puṣṭyā'im̐bēgara vibhinna kampanī tathā pharmalā'ī di'i'ēkō 42 lākha 23 hajāramā mahālēkhālē praśna garēkō cha .
Ārthika niyamāvalī, 2066 kō niyama 36 kō 3 bamōjima bila–bharpā'īvinā kharca lēkhna napā'inē bha'ē pani du'ī sansthālā'ī bhaucara ra pramāṇabēgara nagadī mātra praviṣṭa garī mahānagaralē 23 lākha 24 hajāra pēskī phasryōṭa garēkō cha . Bila–bhaucaramā bila–bharpā'ī pēsa nagarī bhaucarakā ādhāramā 13 lākha 78 hajāra nikāsā di'ēkō cha .
Mahānagarapālikālē āphnō āntarika āyatarpha 55 vyavasāyībāṭa asula garnuparnē saṭara bhāḍā ēka karōḍa 97 lākha 23 hajāra asula nagarēkō prativēdanamā cha .
Sthānīya tahalē āphnō adhikāra kṣētrabhitra ēkīkr̥ta sampatti kara vā ghara–jaggā kara lagā'unē vyavasthā bha'ē pani pōkharālē sampatti karabāpata sāta karadātābāṭa nau karōḍa 98 lākha 17 hajāra asula garna nasakēkō pā'i'ēkō cha .
Pārkiṅa śulka asula garna pani mahānagara asaphala bha'ēkō cha . Mahānagaralē samayamā ṭhēkkā vyavasthāpana garna nasaknu ra upayukta ādhārabēgara aghillō varṣakō kabōla aṅkamā 163 pratiśata vr̥d'dhi gardā hālasam'ma pani pārkiṅa ṭhēkkā vyavasthāpana huna sakēkō chaina . Jasakā kāraṇa mahānagarakō vārṣika karōḍaum̐ āmdānīsamēta ghaṭēkō cha . Hōrḍiṅa bōrḍasamēta vyavasthāpana garna nasakdā mahānagaralē vārṣika lākhaum̐ rājasva gumā'unuparēkō cha .
20 Hajāra baḍhīkō kharidamā 15 pratiśata kara kaṭṭī garnuparnēmā vibhinna kampanīlā'ī di'i'ēkō garī kariba 50 lākha nagada di'i'ēkālē rakama asula garna nirdēśana di'ēkō cha . Kara chalnē uddēśyasahita ṭukrā–ṭukrā bījaka prayōga bha'ēkō, rakama bhuktānī gardā agrima kara kaṭṭī nagarēkō mahālēkhākō bhanā'i cha
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