The recent sensational revelation made by the Prime Minister caused tears in the CPN (Maoist
Prime Minister KP Oli has indicated that the cabinet will be restructured soon. After a meeting of the party secretariat and continuous discussions with Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda, Prime Minister Oli has given a message about the timeline of reorganization in the last cabinet meeting. At a meeting in Baluwatar on Friday evening, Prime Minister Oli signaled the departure of some cabinet members and gave a "mentally ready" message. There is news in today's Naya Patrika.

During the meeting, Oli gave a clear message that he would not delay the reorganization of the Council of Ministers, saying that some of the members of his team should be dismissed and some of them should stay together as discussions were going on in the party. Generally, the ministers were informed about the agenda of the cabinet meeting in advance, but they were not informed about the agenda of the last meeting. The cabinet meeting was held for three and a half hours from 5 pm on Friday.
"You are also aware of the latest discussions and conversations within the party. Now some friends may have to stay or stay in the team, some friends may have to leave, so for some, this meeting and meeting of the cabinet may be the last. I think you will take it as a facilitation, not in a different way. This does not mean that you did not work or failed. You have to understand that you are not going to do that just because you have failed, ”a minister said, quoting Prime Minister Oli at the meeting.
After receiving such a statement from the Prime Minister at the cabinet meeting, the ministers have informed the people close to them that the cabinet will be reorganized soon. Before the cabinet meeting on Friday, Prime Minister Oli had a three-and-a-half-hour discussion with Chairman Prachanda. Also on Friday, they had a three-and-a-half-hour discussion on reorganizing the cabinet and appointing vacant vice-chancellors to the university.
CPN (Maoist) Parliamentary Party Deputy Leader Subash Nemwang indicated that the Prime Minister would soon take a new step. "It simply came to our notice then. You are discussing about that (in the cabinet restructuring). The discussion has been good and positive. It is motivated by the objective of reaching a speedy conclusion, ”said Nemwang.
A leader close to Prachanda also said that the discussions between the two presidents focused on the reorganization of the Council of Ministers and the appointment of vacant posts in the constitutional organs and universities. "The talks focused on reorganizing the cabinet on Thursday and filling the vacancies at the university on Friday," the leader said.
Oli and Prachanda have also discussed the Supreme Court's order to retain the nomination of Vice-Chairman Bamdev Gautam on August 22 without giving him any additional constitutional responsibility. They have agreed to move ahead with the restructuring process as the Supreme Court is unlikely to set aside the writ petition against Gautam for at least a month. According to a standing committee member, Prachanda also telephoned senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal on Friday to inform him about the latest understanding with Prime Minister Oli.
Resolving the dispute within the party over the division deal, the standing committee meeting held on August 11 passed a resolution pointing out the need to restructure the cabinet to focus on the work of the government, control of COVID-19, election manifesto and implementation of public commitments. After the proposal was passed, the leaders of the secretariat had a discussion at the central office meeting of the people's organization on August 19 focusing on the agenda of reorganizing the cabinet.
The secretariat meeting focused on the first option of appointing most of the new ministers despite the resignation of all the ministers except the Prime Minister. The meeting, with the opinion of a majority that at least a dozen ministers should be changed, gave the prime minister the responsibility to discuss the matter with the leaders of the secretariat as needed. A meeting of the secretariat held on 6 September had urged the government to move ahead with the appointment in the constitutional body.
After a three-and-a-half-hour discussion on cabinet reshuffle and appointment of vacant vice-chancellors in universities on Friday, Oli and Prachanda agreed on the appointment of vice-chancellors of three universities. In Sanskrit and agriculture, it has been agreed to appoint those close to the CPN (Maoist) and in the Eastern Region.
As per the agreement, Yadav Prakash Lamichhane at Nepal Sanskrit University Dang and Dr. Krishna Kumar at Agriculture and Forest University Chitwan. According to a high-level source, it has been agreed to appoint Punya Regmi as the Vice-Chancellor. They are both nectarines. Similarly, it has been agreed to appoint Prada Prem Narayan Aryal in Pokhara University. According to a discussion and understanding reached with Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba, an agreement has been reached to appoint Aryal at Pokhara University.
The Ministry of Education had invited applications for the post of Vice-Chancellor in those universities which had been vacant for a long time. About a year after receiving the application, the issue of appointing a vice-chancellor in those universities has been settled by gathering political consensus.
As soon as the dispute within the party was resolved, the CPN (Maoist) made constitutional and political appointments
Pradhānamantrī kēpī ōlīlē mantripariṣad punargaṭhana cām̐ḍai garnē saṅkēta garēkā chan . Pārṭī sacivālaya baiṭhaka ra adhyakṣa puṣpakamala dāhāla pracaṇḍasam̐gakō lagātāra chalaphalapachi pradhānamantrī ōlīlē pachillō mantripariṣad baiṭhakamai punargaṭhanakō samayasīmābārē sandēśa di'ēkā chan . Śukrabāra sām̐jha bāluvāṭāramā basēkō baiṭhakamā pradhānamantrī ōlīlē mantrimaṇḍalakā kēhī sadasyakō bidā'i huna thālēkō saṅkēta gardai tyasakā lāgi mānasika rūpamā ‘tayāra rahana’ sandēśa di'ēkā chan . Ājakō nayām̐ patrikāmā khabara cha.
Baiṭhakamā ōlīlē pārṭīmā chalaphala calirahēkālē āphnō ṭimamā rahēkā sadasyamadhyē katipayalā'ī bidā'i garnuparnē ra katipayacāhim̐ sāthamai rahanuparnē sthiti ā'una saknē bhandai mantripariṣad punargaṭhanamā vilamba nagarnē prasṭa sandēśa di'ēkō ēka mantrīlē batā'ē . Sāmān'yatayā mantripariṣad baiṭhakabārē pahilyai mantrīharūlā'ī ējēnḍābārē jānakārī garā'unē gari'ē pani pachillō baiṭhakakō ējēnḍābārē bhanē avagata garā'i'ēkō thi'ēna . Śukrabāra sām̐jha 5 bajēbāṭa sāḍhē tīna ghanṭā mantripariṣad baiṭhaka basēkō thiyō .
‘Pārṭībhitrakō pachillō chalaphala ra kurākānībārē tapā'īnharū pani jānakāra nai hunuhuncha . Aba kēhī–kēhī sāthī basnuparnē vā ṭimamai rahanuparnē, katipaya sāthī chuṭṭinuparnē pani huna saknē bha'ēkālē katipayalā'ī kyābinēṭakō yō bhēṭaghāṭa ra baiṭhaka antima pani huna sakcha . Tyasalā'ī tapā'īnharūlē an'yathā hisābalē hō'ina, sahajīkaraṇakā rūpamā linuhunēcha bhannē lāgēkō cha . Yasakō artha tapā'īnharūlē kāma garnubha'ēna yā asaphala hunubhayō bhannē hō'ina ra yasarī bujhnubha'ēna . Tapā'īnharū asaphala hunubhayō bhannē hisābalē tyasō garna lāgi'ēkō hō'ina bhannē bujhnu nai hunēcha bhannē lāgēkō cha,’ baiṭhakamā pradhānamantrī ōlīkō bhanā'i ud'dhr̥ta gardai ēka mantrīlē bhanē .
Mantripariṣad baiṭhakamai pradhānamantrībāṭa tyastō abhivyakti ā'ēpachi mantrīharūlē mantripariṣad chiṭai punargaṭhana huna lāgēkō nikaṭasthalā'ī batā'ēkā chan . Śukrabāra mantripariṣad baiṭhaka'aghi pradhānamantrī ōlīlē adhyakṣa pracaṇḍasam̐ga sāḍhē tīna ghanṭā lagātāra chalaphala garēkā thi'ē . Śukrabāra pani unīharūbīca kariba sāḍhē tīna ghanṭā mantripariṣad punargaṭhana ra viśvavidyālayamā rikta upakulapatiharū niyuktibārē chalaphala bha'ēkō cha .
Nēkapā sansadīya dalakā upanētā suvāsa nēmvāṅalē chiṭai pradhānamantrīlē nayām̐ kadama aghi baḍhā'una lāgēkō saṅkēta garē . ‘Du'ī adhyakṣa basēkō basyai hunuhuncha . Tyasabārēmā (mantripariṣad punargaṭhanamā) chalaphala garirahanubha'ēkō cha . Chalaphala rāmrō ra sakārātmaka bha'ēkō cha . Cām̐ḍō ṭuṅgōmā puryā'unē uddēśyabāṭa prērita cha,’ nēmvāṅalē bhanē .
Pracaṇḍanikaṭa ēka nētālē pani du'ī adhyakṣabīca mantripariṣad punargaṭhana ra sanvaidhānika aṅga tathā viśvavidyālayakā rikta padādhikārī niyuktimai kēndrita chalaphala bha'ēkō batā'ē . ‘Uhām̐harūbīca bihībāra mantripariṣad punargaṭhana ra śukrabāra viśvavidyālayamā rikta padādhikārī niyukta garnē viṣayamā kēndrita kurākānī bha'ēkō hō,’ tī nētālē bhanē .
7 Bhadaumā upādhyakṣa vāmadēva gautamalā'ī sarvōcca adālatalē thapa sanvaidhānika jim'mēvārī nadi'ī sānsada manōnayana yathāvat rākhna di'ēkō ādēśakā viṣayamā samēta ōlī ra pracaṇḍabīca chalaphala bha'ēkō cha . Gautamakā viṣayamā parēkō riṭabārē sarvōcca adālatalē kamtīmā ēka mahināyatā kinārā lagā'unē sambhāvanā n'yūna rahēkālē punargaṭhana prakriyā agāḍi baḍhā'unē unīharūbīca samajhadārī bha'ēkō cha . Pracaṇḍalē variṣṭha nētā mādhavakumāra nēpālalā'ī samēta śukrabāra ṭēliphōna garēra pradhānamantrī ōlīsam̐gakō pachillō samajhadārībārē jānakārī garā'ēkō unīnikaṭa ēka sthāyī samiti sadasyalē batā'ē .
Vibhājanakō ḍilamā pugēkō pārṭībhitrakō vivāda samādhāna gardai 26 bhadaumā sampanna sthāyī kamiṭī baiṭhakalē sarakārakō kāma kōbhiḍa–19 niyantraṇa, cunāvī ghōṣaṇāpatra ra sārvajanika pratibad'dhatā kāryānvayanamā kēndrita garnakā lāgi mantripariṣad punargaṭhanakō āvaśyakatā aum̐lyā'ēra prastāva pārita garēkō thiyō . Prastāva pārita bha'ēlagattai gata 4 bhadaumā janasaṅgaṭhanakō kēndrīya kāryālaya baiṭhakamā sacivālayakā nētāharūlē mantripariṣad punargaṭhanakō ējēnḍāmā kēndrita rahēra chalaphala garēkā thi'ē .
Sacivālaya baiṭhakamā pahilō vikalpamā pradhānamantrībāhēka sabai mantrīlā'ī rājīnāmā garā'ēra katipaya purānā anuhāra dōhō¥yā'ē pani adhikānśa nayām̐ mantrī niyukti garnē, tyastai, dōsrō vikalpamā du'ī varṣa kāryakāla pūrā garēkāharūkō bidā'i ra tēsrō, kāryasampādana mūlyāṅkanamā kamajōra rahēkā mantrīlā'ī bidā'i garēra punargaṭhana garnuparnē vikalpamā kēndrita chalaphala bha'ēkō thiyō . Kamtīmā ēka darjana mantrī parivartana garnuparnē adhikānśakō rāyasam̐gai baiṭhakalē yasabārē pradhānamantrīlē āvaśyakatā'anusāra sacivālayakā nētāharūsam̐ga chalaphala garnē jim'mēvārī di'ēkō thiyō . 6 Asōjamā basēkō sacivālaya baiṭhakalē sanvaidhānika nikāyamā niyukti agāḍi baḍhā'una sarakāralā'ī āgraha garēkō thiyō .
Śukrabāra sāḍhē tīna ghanṭā mantripariṣad punargaṭhana ra viśvavidyālayaharūmā rikta upakulapati niyuktikā viṣayamā chalaphala garēkā ōlī ra pracaṇḍalē tīna viśvavidyālayakā upakulapati niyuktimā sahamati juṭā'ēkā chan . Sanskr̥ta ra kr̥ṣimā nēkapānikaṭa ra pūrvāñcalamā kāṅgrēsanikaṭalā'ī niyukti dinē sahamati banēkō hō .
Sahamati'anusāra nēpāla sanskr̥ta viśvavidyālaya dāṅamā yādavaprakāśa lāmichānē tathā kr̥ṣi ra vana viśvavidyālaya citavanamā ḍā. Puṇya rēgmīlā'ī upakulapati niyukta garnē samajhadārī bha'ēkō ucca srōtalē janā'ēkō cha . Unīharū duvai nēkapānikaṭa hun . Tyastai, pōkharā viśvavidyālayamā bhanē prāḍā prēmanārāyaṇa aryālalā'ī niyukta garnē samajhadārī bha'ēkō cha . Kāṅgrēsa sabhāpati śērabahādura dē'uvāsam̐gakō chalaphala ra samajhadārī'anusāra pōkharā viśvavidyālayamā bhanē kāṅgrēsanikaṭa aryālalā'ī niyukta garnē samajhadārī bha'ēkō srōtakō bhanā'i cha .
Lāmō samayadēkhi rikta tī viśvavidyālayamā śikṣā mantrālayalē kāttika, 076 mā upakulapati niyuktikā lāgi āvēdana māgēkō thiyō . Āvēdana li'ēkō kariba ēka varṣapachi rājanītika sahamati juṭā'ēra tī viśvavidyālayamā upakulapati niyukti garnē viṣaya ṭuṅgō lāgēkō hō .
Pārṭībhitra vivāda ṭuṅgi'ēlagattai nēkapālē sanvaidhānika ra rājanītika niyuktikā
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