At the community level, it has been decided that those coming from abroad and the district where the infection has spread must stay in the home quarantine for two weeks to prevent further spread of the infection in the Parbat, which has only a general effect of the corona infection.
A meeting of the security agencies and stakeholders including the people's representatives of Kusma Municipality at the District Administration Office on Friday decided to make quarantine mandatory for two weeks to prevent the infection from reaching households and communities.
After the government opened public transport, a large number of people from India and third countries and districts spread in the transition community have entered the district and it has been decided to put them under mandatory home quarantine at the local level to prevent the transition from them to the community. The district administration office on Friday met with the people's representatives including the chairpersons of wards 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Kusma municipality after finding that even though a large number of people entered the market area of Kusma within a week, they did not stay in the home quarantine and started their profession.
After the government opened public transport, a large number of people from India and third countries and districts spread in the transition community have entered the district and it has been decided to put them under mandatory home quarantine at the local level to prevent the transition from them to the community. The district administration office had held a discussion with the people's representatives including the chairpersons of wards 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Kusma municipality on Friday after finding that a large number of people had entered the market area of Kusma within a week.
Chief District Officer Shambhu Prasad Regmi said that the people's representatives of the ward have decided to collect the details of those who have come from abroad and other districts after September 20 with the help of toll committee and Lions, Rotary, Jasij, mothers' group and youth clubs. Regmi said that those coming from outside in all the seven municipalities of the ward and district except the market area of Kusma Municipality will be requested to keep them in home quarantine and monitor them.
A total of 121 people have been confirmed to have corona infection in Parbat district so far, most of them are in quarantine. Although a small number of health workers and locals were found to be infected, no further infection was found during contract training. The concept of 'pulling quarantine', which was implemented in the campaign against corona in the mountainous district, proved to be most effective in preventing the spread of corona in the community.
In all the municipalities, the community level sample tests did not show any infection in the community except for one or two cases. Those coming from India or third countries were kept in the pulling quarantine at Kusma Bazaar directly from the checkpoint.
After testing the PCR a week later, even after the report was negative, the quarantine of the concerned municipality was kept for two weeks and sent home. Those who came with positive reports lived in isolation, while those who came with negative reports did not get corona in the community after sitting in the quarantine of the municipality and ward. Now, PCR testing will be done only if those in the home quarantine show symptoms of corona.
samudāyastaramā kōrōnā saṅkramaṇakō sāmān'ya prabhāba mātrai parēkō parvatamā thapa saṅkramaṇa phailana nadina bidēśa ra saṅkramaṇa phaili'ēkō jillābāṭa ā'unēlā'ī anivārya rupamā du'ī haptā hōma kvārēnṭā'inamā basnu parnē nirṇaya gari'ēkō cha.
Kusmā nagarapālikākā janapratinidhī sahita surakṣā nikāya ra sarōkāravālākō śukrabāra jillā praśāsana kāryālayamā bha'ēkō baiṭhakalē saṅkramaṇa gharagharamā ra samudāyamā pugnabāṭa rōknakā lāgi du'ī haptā anivārya rupamā kvārēnṭā'īnamā rākhnē nirṇaya garēkō hō.
Sarakāralē sārvajanika yātayāta khullā garēpachi bhārata tathā tēsrō dēśa tathā saṅkramaṇa samudāyamā phaili'ēkā jillābāṭa pani ṭhulō saṅkhyāmā jillāmā bhitri'ēpachi unīharubāṭa samudāyamā saṅkramaṇa pugna nadina sthāniya tahakō nētr̥tvamā anivārya hōma kvārēnṭā'inamā rākhnē nirṇaya bha'ēkō cha. Kusmākō bajāra kṣētramā ēka sātākō bicamā ṭhulō saṅkhyāmā mānisa bhitri'ēpani unīharu hōma kvārēnṭā'īnamā nabasnē ra pēśā byabasāya samēta śuru garēkō pā'i'ēpachi jillā praśāsana kāryālayalē śukrabāra kusmā nagarapālikākā 4,5, 6 ra 7 nambara vaḍākā adhyakṣa sahitakā janapratinidhī saṅga cha
sarakāralē sārvajanika yātayāta khullā garēpachi bhārata tathā tēsrō dēśa tathā saṅkramaṇa samudāyamā phaili'ēkā jillābāṭa pani ṭhulō saṅkhyāmā jillāmā bhitri'ēpachi unīharubāṭa samudāyamā saṅkramaṇa pugna nadina sthāniya tahakō nētr̥tvamā anivārya hōma kvārēnṭā'inamā rākhnē nirṇaya bha'ēkō cha. Kusmākō bajāra kṣētramā ēka sātākō bicamā ṭhulō saṅkhyāmā mānisa bhitri'ēpani unīharu hōma kvārēnṭā'īnamā nabasnē ra pēśā byabasāya samēta śuru garēkō pā'i'ēpachi jillā praśāsana kāryālayalē śukrabāra kusmā nagarapālikākā 4,5, 6 ra 7 nambara vaḍākā adhyakṣa sahitakā janapratinidhī saṅga chalaphala garēkō thiyō.
Vaḍākā janapratinidhīlē ṭōla samiti ra lāyansa, rōṭarī, jēsija, āmā samuha tathā yuvāklabaharukō sahayōga li'ēra asōja 1 gatē pachi bidēśa ra an'ya jillābāṭa ā'ēkāharukō bibaraṇa saṅkalana garnē ra unīharulā'ī anivārya rupamā parivāra saṅga samēta samparka nagari hōmakvārēnṭā'īnamā basna lagā'unē nirṇaya bha'ēkō pramukha jillā adhikārī śambhuprasāda rēgmīlē batā'unubhayō. Kusmā nagarapālikākā bajāra kṣētra bāhēkakā pani sabai vaḍā ra jillākā 7 vaṭai pālikāmā bāhirabāṭa ā'unēlā'ī anivārya rupamā hōma kvārēnṭā'īnamā rākhna ra anugamana garirākhna anurōdha garnē garinē praji'a rēgmīlē batā'unubhayō.
Parvata jillāmā ahilē sam'ma jam'mā 1 saya 21 janāmā kōrōnā saṅkramaṇa puṣṭi bha'ēkōmā adhikām̐śa kvārēnṭāi̔r̥namā basēkā byakti chana. Thōrai saṅkhyāmā svāsthyakarmī, sthāniyabāsīmā saṅkramaṇa dēkhi'ēpani kanṭrayākṭa ṭē«siṅakā kramamā thapa saṅkramaṇa phaili'ēkō bhēṭi'ēkō thi'ēna. Parvata jillāmā kōrōnā birud'dhakō abhiyānamā lāgu bha'ēkō ‘puliṅa kvārēnṭā'īna’ kō avadhāraṇā kōrōnā samudāyamā phailana nadinakā lāgi sabaibhandā prabhāvakārī sāvita bha'ēkō thiyō.
Sabai pālikāharumā samudāyastaramā gari'ēkā namunā parikṣaṇamā ēka du'ī vaṭā ghaṭanā bāhēka samudāyakā byaktiharumā saṅkramaṇa dēkhi'ēkō thi'ēna. Bhārata vā tēsrō mulukabāṭa ā'unēharulā'ī nākābāṭai sōjhai kusmābajāramā rahēkā puliṅa kvārēnṭā'īnamā rākhinthyō.
Ēka haptāpachi pisi'āra parikṣaṇa garēpachi rirpōṭa nēgēṭibha ā'ēpachi pani sambandhita pālikākā kvārēnṭā'īnamā du'ī haptā rākhēra ghara paṭhā'inthyō. Pōjēṭibha rirpōṭa ā'unēharu ā'isōlēsanamā basthē bhanē nēgēṭibha ā'unē pani pālikā ra vaḍākā kvārēnṭā'īnamā basēra ga'ēpachi samudāyamā kōrōnā pugna pā'ēkō thi'ēna. Aba bhanē hōma kvārēnṭā'inamā basēkāharumā kōrōnākō lakṣaṇa dēkhi'ēmā mātrai pisi'āra parikṣaṇa garinē bha'ēkō cha
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