गृहमन्त्री बादल सचिवसहित मन्त्रालयबाट बाहिरि निस्किएपछि...
After Home Minister Badal left the ministry along with the secretary ..
Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa along with Inspector General of Armed Police and Home Secretary have reached Darchula.
Home Minister Thapa, Inspector General of Armed Police Shailendra Khanal and Home Secretary Maheshwar Neupane left for the construction site of the Armed Police Force building in Chhangru on Friday.
The team flew from Kathmandu to Surkhet in a sky truck and from there in a Nepal Army helicopter. A building is being constructed for the Armed Police Force in Chhangru.
Rs. 100 million has been allocated for the construction of the building. The Ministry of Home Affairs has stated that the building will have state-of-the-art facilities. Earlier, the police did not stay in the area when it started snowing during the winter. But after the construction of the building, the police will stay forever.
The team is also scheduled to conduct aerial inspections of tinkers and crows, according to the Home Minister's Secretariat.
Nepal has deployed security personnel in Chhangru after increasing the presence and other activities of Indian security forces in Kalapani, Lipulek and Limpiyadhura areas of Darchula district which were invaded by India.
Gulma has been set up in Chhangru where BOP was initially kept. With the establishment of Gulm, a team of 160 armed police has been deployed under the command of DSP.
Saśastra praharī mahānirīkṣaka ra gr̥hasacivasahita gr̥hamantrī rāmabahādura thāpā dārculākāē chāṅaru pugēkā chan.
Chāṅrumā nirmāṇa huna lāgēkō saśastra praharīkō gulmakō bhavana śilan'yāsakā lāgi gr̥hamantrī thāpā, saśastra praharī mahānirīkṣaka śailēndra khanāla ra gr̥hasaciva mahēśvara n'yaupānē śukrabāra tyasatarpha prasthāna garēkā hun.
Kāṭhamāḍaumbāṭa surkhētasam'ma skā'i ṭrakamā ra tyahām̐bāṭa nēpālī sēnākō hēlikōpṭaramā sō ṭōli chāṅaru ga'ēkō hō. Chāṅarumā saśastra praharīkō gulmakā lāgi bhavana nirmāṇa hum̐daicha.
Bhavana nirmāṇakā lāgi 10 karōḍa rupaiyām̐ chuṭyā'i'ēkō cha. Bhavana atyādhunika suvidhāsahitakō hunē gr̥ha mantrālayalē janā'ēkō cha. Yasa'aghi hi'um̐dakō samayamā hi'um̐ parna thālēpachi tyasakṣētramā praharī basdainathyō. Tara bhavana nirmāṇapachi sadhaimbharī praharī basnē cha.
Ṭōlīlē tiṅkara ra kauvākō pani havā'ī nirīkṣaṇa garnē kāryakrama rahēkō gr̥hamantrīkō sacivālayalē janā'ēkō cha.
Bhāratalē akrimaṇa garēkō dārculā jillākō kālāpānī, lipulēka ra limpiyādhurā kṣētramā bhāratīya surakṣā phaujaharukō upasthiti ra an'ya gatibidhi samēta baḍhā'um̐dai lagēpachi nēpālalē chāṅarumā surakṣākarmī tainātha garēkō hō.
Surumā bī'ōpī rākhi'ēkō chāṅarumā hāla gulma sthāpanā gari'ēkō cha. Gulma sthāpanāsam̐gai ḍī'ēsapīkō kamāṇḍamā ēka saya 60 janākō saśastra praharīkō ṭōlī basna thālēkō cha.

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