India stops attempts to infiltrate Pakistani territory in Kashmir
The Pakistani military says a civilian was killed in an indiscriminate firing by Indian troops near the Line of Control (LoC) in disputed Kashmir on Sunday. Four people were injured in the firing.
A statement from the Pakistani military said, "The Indian army has violated the ceasefire by firing on the LOC. India has been firing on civilians in Hotspring and Rakchi.
Tensions between India and Pakistan have risen since 2019. Pakistan became angry with New Delhi after India revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019.

Since India brought Kashmir under central rule, Islamabad has tried to infiltrate the Kashmir region. Pakistan wants to infiltrate Kashmir and provoke more protests and insurgency.
Pakistan is not as strong militarily as India, but the Kashmir issue is important for Pakistan. If the Pakistani government does not take a firm stand on the disputed area, it will lose public support.
As a result, Pakistan reacts strongly to every offensive move by India and takes countermeasures when necessary.
India is buying advanced weapons from Russia and the West to augment its military capabilities. Meanwhile, New Delhi is seeking the support of the international community, especially the West. India has been a destroyer of regional peace and stability. Pakistan has accused it of playing a negative role in its own progress.
Pākistānī sēnālē ā'itabāra vivādita kāśmira kṣētramā bhāratīya sēnālē niyantraṇa rēkhā (ēla'ōsī) chē'umā andhādhundha gōlībārī gardā ēka nāgarikakō mr̥tyu bha'ēkō batā'ēkō cha. Ukta gōlābārīmā cāra janā ghā'itē bha'ēkā thi'ē.
Pākistānī sēnālē jārī garēkō vijñaptimā bhani'ēkō cha, "bhāratīya sēnālē ēla'ōsīmā gōlābārī garēra yud'dhavirāma ullaṅghana garēkō cha. Bhāratalē haṭaspriṅa ra rakacikrīmā sarvasādhāraṇa janasaṅkhyāmāthi gōlābārī garēkā thi'ē."
San 2019 dēkhi bhārata ra pākistānabīca tanāva baḍhēkō cha. Agasta 2019 mā bhāratalē jam'mu kāśmīrakō viśēṣa sthiti khārēja garisakēpachi nayām̐ dillīprati pākistāna ākrōśita banēkō hō.
Bhāratalē kāśmīralā'ī kēndra śāsanamā lyā'ēdēkhi islāmāvādalē kāśmīra kṣētramā ghusapaiṭha garnē prayāsa garēkō cha. Pākistānalē kāśmīra kṣētramā ghusapaiṭha garēra thapa virōdha ra vidrōha garā'una cāhancha.
Pākistāna sain'ya rūpamā bhārata jattikai baliyō chaina, tara kaśmīra muddā pākistānakō lāgi mahatvapūrṇa cha. Yadi pākistānī sarakāralē vivādita kṣētraprati kaḍā-kaḍā aḍāna dēkhā'ēna bhanē yasalē janasamarthana gumā'unēcha.
Natijā svarūpa, pākistānalē bhāratakō harēka āpattijanaka kadamalā'ī kaḍā pratikriyā dincha ra āvaśyaka parēkō bēlā pratirōdhātmaka kadama cālcha.
Āphnō sainika kṣamatā abhivr̥d'dhi garna bhāratalē rusa ra paścimī dēśaharūbāṭa unnata hatiyāra kharīda gardai cha. Yasaibīca, nayām̐ dillīlē antarrāṣṭriya samudāya, viśēṣa garī paścimī dēśaharūkō samarthana prāpta garna khōjirahēkō cha. Bhārata kṣētrīya śānti ra sthāyitvakō vināśakartā bha'ēkō cha āphnai pragatimā nakārātmaka bhūmikā khēlēkō pākistānakō ārōpa cha.
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