Write om and share as soon as you see the mother who will fulfill what you asked for, within 7 days you will get the fruit you thought of.

Aries (Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo, A) -
Even with low self-esteem, with the help of friends and colleagues you can reap the benefits. There is a situation where one has to work for the care of one's parents or a loved one. If you are involved in a profession or business, do not let the hard work and diligence decrease, otherwise the work may be ruined due to small mistakes. The mind will go to labor or agricultural work. Good number for today: 1 and good color: If it is green, before doing any good deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Shriyai Namah: Minimum number of Japas: 21 times.
Taurus (E, U, A, O, Ba, B, Bu, Be, Bo) -
Must be involved in religious / cultural activities. Respect and admiration are likely to be received. Family problems will be solved. There will be harmony in family and marital relations. Previous activities will be evaluated and appreciated. There will be an environment to start the work that has been stopped. Significant achievements will be made in social work. Good number for today: 9 and good color: If it is dark yellow or orange, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra:
Gemini (ka, ki, ku, d, e, g, k, ko, h) -
There is a sense of futility to short-distance travel. Arguments may occur with bosses, parents, or special people. Can suffer from secret and mental illness. The pressure of housework will increase. Disorders of health can affect daily activities. Can be plagued by internal problems or mental depression. That can mean the opposite. For today, auspicious number: 8 and auspicious color: if it is blue, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra:
Cancer (Hi, Hu, Hi, Ho, Da, Di, Du, De, Do) -
Attempts may be successful. Will be active in the field of argument, debate, discussion and reading and writing. The day will appear lucky. The afternoon will be a favorable time for romance. Love and marital life will be happy. Unexpected tasks will be accomplished easily. Strength will increase and the body will remain agile. If the auspicious number for today is 7 and the auspicious ring is white, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra:
Leo (Ma, Mi, Mu, Me, Mo, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te) -
You have to work hard for even the smallest things. Must be involved in any quarrels, disputes or arguments. Stay away from all issues and quarrels, decision making ability may not work. Competitors will have the opportunity to point the finger. Unexpected debates can also occur, it would be better to exercise restraint. Good number for today: 6 and good color: If it is red, before doing any good deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Nagdevatavyo Nama: Minimum number of Japas: 09 times.
Virgo (To, Pa, Pi, Pu, Sh, N, Th, Pe, Po) -
From the afternoon onwards, he will be attracted to knowledge and philosophical subjects, and today will be a good day to put imagination and sentimentality into practice. Satisfaction will be obtained by increasing one's self-confidence. Students will be able to demonstrate their abilities, and everyone else will be fascinated by knowledge, spirituality, and philosophy. Good number for today: 5 and good color: If it is yellow, before doing any good deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Vagdevyai Namah: Minimum number of chants
Libra (Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te) -
You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. There may be a feeling of fatigue in the body, but you do not find time spent in the care of family, family happiness, and loved ones. Those who work and do business abroad or abroad can reap good benefits. Even those who live here will feel at ease. We have to face various challenges at work. If the auspicious number for today is: 4 and the auspicious color is ghee color, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om So Somay Nam Minimum Jap Number:
Scorpio (to, na, ni, nu, ne, no, ya, yi, yu) -
The mind will be attracted towards spirituality and philosophy. Short trips are successful, but long journeys can be detrimental. Avoiding quarrels and issues is caste. Don't get involved in the embarrassing and illegal activities of the state. Even if the number of conversations in the society increases, brothers and friends will be more supportive. For today, auspicious number: 3 and auspicious color: if it is red, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Vighnavinashine Namah.
Sagittarius (Ye, Yo, V, Vh, Bhu, Dha, Fa, Dha, Vhe) -
This is the day when bids are valued, bids will be sold in important places. The family will be happy. The sisters and the family will be very supportive. Health is strong. The heterosexual attraction to your speech and behavior will increase in the job and business sector. There may be material possessions. Today is a good day to shop for different items. Good number for today: 2 and good color: If it is yellow, do any good deed before going on a trip
Jē māgyō tyahī pūrā hunē pāthībharā mātālāī̔ai dēkhnasātha'om lēkhēra śēyara garnuhōsa, 7 dinabhitra sōcēkō phala milnēcha
mēṣa (cu, cē, cō, lā, li, lu, lē, lō, a) –
ātmaviśvāsamā kamī ā'ē pani sāthībhā'i ra sahayōgīkō maddatalē sōcējastai lābha lina sakinē cha. Mātāpitā vā kunai mān'yajanakō sēvāsuśruṣākā lāgi khaṭnē paristhiti cha. Pēsā vā vyavasāyamā ābad'dha hunuhuncha bhanē mihinēta ra laganaśīlatāmā kamī ā'una nadinu hōlā, natra sānō truṭikā kāraṇa kāma bigrana sakcha. Śramamūlaka vā kr̥ṣikṣētrakā kāmamā mana jānēcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 1 Ra śubharaṅga: Hariyō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om śriyai namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 21 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Br̥ṣa (i, u, ē, ō, bā, bi, bu, bē, bō) –
dhārmika÷sānskr̥tika gatividhimā sanlagna hunu parnēcha. Mānasam'māna ra praśansā prāpta hunē sambhāvanā cha. Pārivārika samasyāharū hala hunēchan. Gharāyasī ra dāmpatya sambandhamā sumadhuratā ā'unē cha. Pahilē garēkā kriyākalāpakō mūlyāṅkana ra praśansā hunēcha. Rōki'ēkā kāma suru garnē vātāvaraṇa bannēcha. Sāmājika kāryamā mahatvapūrṇa upalabdhī hāsila hunēcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 9 Ra śubharaṅga: Gāḍhā pahēnlō vā kēśarī hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om dharmarājāya namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Mithuna (kā, ki, ku, gha, ṅa, cha, kē, kō, ha) –
chōṭō dūrīkō nirarthaka yātrā hunē yōga cha. Hākima, mātāpitā vā viśiṣṭa vyaktisam̐ga vādavivāda parna sakcha. Gupta ra mānasika rōgalē satā'una sakcha. Jhināmasinā gharāyasī kāmakō cāpa baḍhnē cha. Svāsthyamā gaḍabaḍī bha'ī dainika kāmakājamā asara parnasakcha. Āntarika samasyā vā mānasika khinnatālē satā'una sakcha. Bhanēkō kurālē viparīta artha dinasakcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 8 Ra śubharaṅga: Nīlō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om mr̥tyuñjayāya namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 21 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Karkaṭa (hi, hu, hē, hō, ḍā, ḍi, ḍu, ḍē, ḍō) –
gari'ēkō prayāsa saphala huna sakcha. Tarkavitarka, vādavivāda, chalaphala ra paḍhā'ilēkhā'ikā kṣētramā sakriya bha'inē cha. Dina bhāgyaśālī bha'ēra dēkhā parnēcha. Di'um̐sōbāṭa praṇayasukhakā lāgi anukūla samaya bannēcha. Prēmasambandha ra dāmpatya jīvana sukhamaya rahanē cha. Sōcdai nasōcēkā kāmaharū sajilai sampanna hunēchan. Parākrama baḍhnukā sāthai śarīra phurtilō rahanē cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 7 Ra śubharaṅga: Sētō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om śuṁ śukrāya namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Sinha (mā, mi, mu, mē, mō, ṭā, ṭi, ṭu, ṭē) –
jhināmasinā ra sānātinā kāmakā lāgi pani nikkai khaṭnu parcha. Kunai jhaijhagaḍā, vivāda vā tarkavitarkamā sarika hunu parnēcha. Bharisakya muddāmāmilā ra jhaijhagaḍābāṭa ṭāḍhā rahanu hōlā, nirṇaya kṣamatālē kāma nagarna sakcha. Pratispardhīharūlē aunlā ṭhaḍyā'unē avasara pā'unē chan. Anapēkṣita vādavivāda pani hunasakcha, sanyamatā apanā'unu bēsa hunēcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 6 Ra śubharaṅga: Rātō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om nāgadēvatābhyō namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 09 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Kan'yā (ṭō, pa, pi, pu, ṣa, ṇa, ṭha, pē, pō) –
di'um̐sōbāṭa jñānaguna ra dārśanika viṣayamā ākarṣita bha'inē cha, kalpanā ra bhāvukatālā'ī vyavahāramā utārna ājakō dina anukūla hunēcha. Ātmabalamā ajha br̥d'dhi hunālē santuṣṭi prāpta hunēcha. Vidyārthīharūlē āphnō kṣamatā pradarśana garī syābāsī pā'una saknēchan ra an'ya sabailē jñānaguna, adhyātma ra darśanakā viṣayamā ākarṣaṇa dēkhā'unē chan. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 5 Ra śubharaṅga: Pahēnlō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om vāgdēvyai namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Tulā (ra, ri, ru, rē, rō, tā, ti, tu, tē) –
sānātinā pārivārika samasyāmā rumallinu parnē cha. Śarīramā thakānakō anubhūti hunasakcha tathāpi gharaparivāra, pārivārika sukha, mān'yajanakō sēvāsuśruṣāmā samaya bitēkō pattō pā'unuhunna. Vidēśa vā pravāsamā basēra kāmadhandā ra vyavasāya garnēharūlē rāmrō lābha prāpta garnasakchan. Yatā gharaimā basnēlē samēta saralatākō anubhūti garnēchan. Kāmamā vividha cunautīkō sāmanā garnu parcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 4 Ra śubharaṅga: Ghi'u raṅa hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om sōṁ sōmāya nama n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Br̥ścika (tō, nā, ni, nu, nē, nō, yā, yi, yu) –
mana adhyātma ra darśanatarpha ākarṣita bannēcha. Chōṭō yātrā saphala nai huncha, tara lāmō yātrābāṭa hāni hunasakcha. Jhaijhagaḍā ra muddāmāmilābāṭa ṭāḍhinu nai jāti huncha. Rājyapakṣakā apṭhyārā ra gairakānunī kāmamā hāta nahālnu hōlā. Samājamā kurā kāṭnēkō saṅkhyā baḍhē pani dājubhā'i ra sam̐gīsāthīlē rāmrō sahayōga garnēchan. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 3 Ra śubharaṅga: Rātō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om vighnavināśinē namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 21 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Dhanu (yē, yō, bha, bhi, bhu, dha, phā, ḍha, bhē) –
bōlīkō kadara hunē dina hō, mahatvapūrṇa sthānamā bōlī biknēcha. Pārivārika khusī milnēcha. Didībahinī ra karakuṭumbalē rāmrō sahayōga garnē chan. Svāsthya sabala cha. Nōkarī ra vyavasāyika kṣētramā tapā'īṅkō vāṇi ra vyavahāraprati viparītaliṅgīkō ākarṣaṇa baḍhnēcha. Bhautika sampattikō jōhō hunasakcha. Vibhinna sāmāgrī kinamēla garna ājakō dina rāmrō cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 2 Ra śubharaṅga: Pahēnlō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jāna
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