Reaching Darchula, Home Minister Thapa said: "Everyone should be united for border security."
Darchula, 10 September. Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa 'Badal' has said that border security can be done more effectively by the locals than by the security personnel. He told a press conference in Khalanga that "not only the government can protect the border, but also the citizens of the border areas can do better. He said that the border can be strengthened only if the security and proper management of the citizens of the border area is done.
Stating that the northern border area of Darchula is of strategic importance, the Home Minister clarified that the government has given special importance to this area bordering the two largest countries of the world, China and India. He said that the government has given special priority to the development of the region as it has great potential for tourism.

Home Minister Thapa said that necessary decision would be taken soon for the establishment of immigration in the region and additional telephone lines would be connected in Vyas for effective communication facilities. "The border administration office in Vyas will be brought into operation soon," he said.
Home Minister Thapa was accompanied by IGP of the Armed Police Force Shailendra Khanal, Home Secretary Maheshwar Neupane, Darchula MP Ganesh Singh Thagunna, Political Advisor Surya Subedi, Security Advisor Indrajit Rai, Nepal Army Assistant Pawan Raj Ghimire and AIG of the Armed Police Force Ram Sharan Poudel.
Dārculā pugēra gr̥hamantrī thāpālē bhanē: Sīmākō surakṣākō lāgi sabai ēka hunuparcha
dārculā, 10 asōja. Gr̥hamantrī rāmabahādura thāpā ‘bādala’ lē sīmākō surakṣā surakṣākarmībāṭa bhandā sthānīya vāsindābāṭa prabhāvakārī rupamā garna sakinē batā'ēkā chan. Khalaṅgāmā āyōjita patrakāra sam'mēlanamā unalē bhanē, “sīmākō rakṣā sarakāralē mātra garna sakdaina, sīmākō surakṣā sīmā kṣētrakā nāgarikalē ajha rāmrōsam̐ga garna sakchan.” Sīmā kṣētrakā nāgarikakō surakṣā ra ucita vyavasthāpana garna sakē mātrai sīmā baliyō hunasaknē unakō bhanā'i cha.
Dārculākō uttarī sīmā kṣētra raṇanītika mahatvakō rahēkō batā'um̐dai gr̥hamantrīlē viśvakā du'ī ṭhūlā dēśa cīna ra bhāratasam̐ga sīmā jōḍi'ēkō yasa kṣētralā'ī sarakāralē viśēṣa mahatva di'ēkō spaṣṭa pārē. Unalē yasa kṣētra paryaṭanakō ṭhūlō sambhāvanāsamēta rahēkālē yahām̐kō vikāsalā'ī sarakāralē viśēṣa prāthamikatā di'ēkō ullēkha garē.
Gr̥hamantrī thāpālē yō kṣētramā adhyāgamana sthāpanākō lāgi chiṭṭai āvaśyaka nirṇaya linē ra vyāsamā prabhāvakārī sañcāra suvidhākā lāgi thapa ṭēliphōna lā'ina jaḍāna garinē batā'ē. “Vyāsamā rahēkō sīmā praśāsana kāryālayalā'ī chiṭṭai sañcālanamā lyā'incha”, unalē bhanē, “karmacārīlā'ī sthāyī rupamā rākhnē garī paṭhā'incha.”
Gr̥hamantrī thāpāsam̐ga vyāsakō chāṅgarumā saśastra praharīkā ā'ijipī śailēndra khanāla, gr̥hasaciva mahēśvara n'yaupānē, dārculākā sānsada gaṇēśasinha ṭhagunnā, rājanītika sallāhakāra sūrya suvēdī, surakṣā sallāhakāra indrajīta rā'ī, nēpālī sēnākā sahāyakarathī pavanarāja ghimirē, saśastra praharīkā ē'ā'ijī rāmaśaraṇa pauḍēlalagāyata sahabhāgī thi'ē.
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