The WHO warns that 2 million people could die from the corona vaccine
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the number of people dying from covid-19-related deaths worldwide could reach 2 million before the coronavirus vaccine becomes effective.
WHO's head of emergency affairs, Dr. Mike Ryan said the death toll could be even higher without international co-operation. The number of people who have lost their lives to the disease since the Covid-19 appeared in China at the end of last year has reached one million.

As the number of infected people continues to rise, more than 32 million people worldwide have been infected with the virus. As winter approaches, a second wave of transition is likely to begin in many countries in the Northern Hemisphere. According to Mike Ryan, at the current pace, there is a high probability that another one million people will die before the vaccine is ready.
He said the mortality rate was declining as the treatment system for the disease was improving. But he said: "Improved therapies and effective vaccines alone may not be enough to stop the 2 million limit."
Kōrōnā bhā'irasavirud'dha khōpa prabhāvakārī rūpamā prayōgamā ā'unu'aghi viśvabhari kōbhiḍa-19 sam̐ga sambandhi kāraṇalē jyāna gumā'unē mānisakō saṅkhyā 20 lākha nāghna saknē viśva svāsthya saṅgaṭhana (ḍablyū'ēca'ō)lē cētāvanī di'ēkō cha.
Ḍablyū'ēca'ōkā āpatkālīna māmilākā pramukha ḍā. Mā'ika rāyanalē antarrāṣṭriya sahakārya nabha'ēmā mr̥takakō saṅkhyā ajha baḍhī hunasaknē batā'ēkā chan. Gata varṣakō antyamā cīnamā kōbhiḍa-19 dēkhā parēyatā yasa rōgabāṭa ahilēsam'ma jyāna gumā'unē mānisaharūkō saṅkhyā 10 lākha pugna lāgēkō cha.
Saṅkramitaharū baḍhnē krama jārī raham̐dā ahilēsam'ma viśvabhari tīna karōḍa 20 lākhabhandā baḍhī mānisamā yō bhā'irasalē saṅkramaṇa garēkō puṣṭi bha'ēkō cha. Hi'um̐da ā'una lāgdā uttarī gōlārdhakā thuprai dēśamā saṅkramaṇakō dōsrō lahara suru huna lāgēkō dēkhincha. Mā'ika rāyanakā anusāra ahilēkō gati kāyama rahanē avasthāmā khōpa tayāra hunu'agāḍi nai thapa 10 lākha mānisakō mr̥tyu hunē ucca sambhāvanā cha.
Unalē yasa rōgakō upacāra pad'dhatimā sudhāra ā'iraham̐dā mr̥tyudara bhanē ghaṭirahēkō batā'ē. Tara unalē bhanē, ‘sudhāra gari'ēkō upacāra pad'dhati ra prabhāvakārī khōpa mātrai pani 20 lākhakō sīmā rōkna paryāpta nahuna sakchan.’ Mā'ika rāyanalē sarakāraharūlā'ī kōbhiḍa(19 niyantraṇa garna āvaśyaka harēka upāya apanā'una āgraha garēkā chan.Bībīsī
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