The human rights organization Parbat has finally entered the house

 Parbat - Nepal Human Rights Organization Parbat Office has been established. Although it has been active in the district for a long time, the office has just been established.

The new office was inaugurated by Harinayan Regmi, Central Member of Nepal Human Rights Organization and Madhav Poudel, District Chairman. Speaking on the occasion, Central Member Regmi said that human rights activists should advocate on behalf of the real victims. He stressed on the need to move the organization forward in a fair, independent and neutral manner.

In the program, the participants had ideas about the future plans of the organization and how to move the organization forward. Speaking on the occasion, Branch Chairman Poudel said that he has been planning to set up the office for a long time.Secretary Rudra Prasad Sharma conducted the program under the chairmanship of Branch Chairman Poudel.Joint Secretary Shanti Sharma Kumal informed that branch advisors Dronaraj Upadhyay, Jagat Sapkota, Kul Prasad Upadhyay and others also spoke on the occasion.


Parvata – nēpāla mānava adhikāra saṅgaṭhana parvatakō kāryālaya sthāpanā bha'ēkō cha. Jillāmā lāmō samayadēkhi kriyāśila rahēpani kāryālaya bhanē balla sthāpanā gari'ēkō hō.

Nayām̐ kāryālayakō nēpāla mānava'adhikāra saṅgaṭhanakā kēndrīya sadasya harināyaṇa rēgmī ra jillā adhyakṣa mādhava pauḍēlalē rivana kāṭēra udghāṭana garnubhayō. Sō avasaramā bōldai kēndrīya sadasya rēgmīlē mānava'adhikāra karmīharulē bāstavika piḍitakō pakṣamā vakālata garnuparnē batā'unubhayō. Uhām̐lē niṣpakṣa, svatantra ra taṭastha rupamā sansthālā'ī aghi baḍhā'unuparnēmā jōḍa dinubhayō.

Kāryakramamā sahabhāgiharulē sansthākā bhāvī yōjanāharu ra sansthālā'ī kē kasarī aghi baḍhā'una sakincha bhannē bārēmā bicāraharu rākhnubha'ēkō thiyō. Sō avasaramā śākhā adhyakṣa pauḍēlalē āphulā'ī lāmō samayadēkhi kāryālaya sthāpanākō yōjanā banā'ēkō batā'um̐dai āphu adhyakṣamā nirvācita bha'ēpani śurukai kāmakō rupamā kāryālaya san̄cālana gari'ēkō batā'unubhayō.

Śākhā adhyakṣa pauḍēlakō adhyakṣatāmā sampanna kāryakramakō san̄cālana saciba rudraprasāda śarmālē garnubha'ēkō thiyō.

Kāryakramamā śākhākā sallāhākāraharu drōṇarāja upādhyāya, jagata sāpakōṭā, kulaprasāda upādhyāya lagāyatalē pani bōlnubha'ēkō āphnā vicāraharu rākhnubha'ēkō sahasaciba śānti śarmā kumālalē jānakārī dinubhayō.

The human rights organization Parbat has finally entered the house The human rights organization Parbat has finally entered the house Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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