Aries (Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo, A) -
The work done will be well evaluated. An increase in income will meet the needs of the family. By protecting the rights and interests of the community, work can be done for the welfare of many. Diligence can set a record. There is an opportunity to do prestigious work. It's time to dump her and move on. It's time to dump her and move on. For today, auspicious number: 1 and auspicious color: if it is blue, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, Karyasiddhi Mantra:
Taurus (E, U, A, O, Ba, B, Bu, Be, Bo) -
Confidence and ability to make quick decisions will increase. There will be an increase in fame, honor and prestige. If you invest in philanthropy and religion, you will get good returns. There is a time to forget in entertainment. The work that is going to deteriorate will also be successfully completed in the end. With the help of the people and parents, it will be helpful to complete the work that has been stopped. Auspicious number for today: 9 and Auspicious color: If it is purple or yellow, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Bhagyalakshmyai Namah: Minimum number of Japas: Start chanting 11 times will be beneficial.
Gemini (ka, ki, ku, d, e, g, k, ko, h) -
There is no sign of work being done. The main work seems to be hampered. Significant time may be spent on other people's work, or it may be frustrating to be involved in small household chores. Even if you try, your efforts will be in vain. Don't rely on assurances, they can be deceptive. Expenses for professional work will increase. Please be careful while driving. Auspicious number for today: 8 and Auspicious color: If it is Dhwanse, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Sankatabhagavatyai Nama: Minimum number of Japas
Cancer (Hi, Hu, Hi, Ho, Da, Di, Du, De, Do) -
It is a time to strengthen the bonds of love and friendship and to enjoy marital bliss. Various support and gifts will be available. Meeting a loved one will make the day enjoyable. There is an opportunity to learn new knowledge. It's time to dump her and move on. Business travel is possible. There will be happiness in married life. Income will increase abundantly. Good number for today: 7 and good color: If it is bright, before doing any good deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra:
Leo (Ma, Mi, Mu, Me, Mo, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te) -
Even if the dispute makes you sad, your self-confidence and courage will not diminish. Family and marital relations will be strengthened. Business travel is possible. There are benefits to trade and industry. Overseas travel will also be beneficial. The timing is fun. But there is a time to compete in order to succeed in any endeavor. Auspicious number for today: 6 and Auspicious color: If it is pink or vermilion, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, Karyasiddhi Mantra:
Virgo (To, Pa, Pi, Pu, Sh, N, Th, Pe, Po) -
The mind will be focused on thinking and content. There are many benefits to working in a confidential manner. The good news will add to the excitement. There will be progress in reading and writing. The goal can be achieved by using wisdom. There is plenty of time to get involved in creative work. Gurujan's special support will be received. There is an opportunity to perform prestigious work. Auspicious number for today: 5 and Auspicious color: If it is white or curly, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra:

Libra (Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te) -
The support of influential and great people can be mobilized. Mother's support will benefit. Social work will give a dignified place. However, health problems can occur. The agreement will increase the frustration and the use of wisdom will achieve the goal. It's time to dump her and move on. There is an opportunity to correct past weaknesses. Auspicious number for today: 4 and Auspicious color: If it is pink or vermilion, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra:
Scorpio (to, na, ni, nu, ne, no, ya, yi, yu) -
Might and enthusiasm will increase. Business or daily activities will be done satisfactorily. There will be opportunities for financial gain. Pilgrimages and temples can be visited. Support can be expected from friends and relatives. Visiting, visiting or observing temples, monasteries or public establishments will give a feeling of peace. If the auspicious number for today is: 3 and the auspicious color is pink or vermilion, before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Dharanisutay Namah: Minimum number of Japas: 21 times.
Sagittarius (Ye, Yo, V, Vh, Bhu, Dha, Fa, Dha, Vhe) -
The right decision can be made at the right time. The ability to perform will increase. The enemy will also support the work. It's fun to spend money on fun and enjoyment. Thought work can be done in a timely manner and credit can be maintained. A little hard work in business, profession and education can earn a good reputation. Auspicious number for today: 2 and Auspicious color: Pink or vermilion.Mantra: Om Kamalai Nama: Minimum number of chants: Start chanting 11 times and you will get benefit.
Capricorn (Bho, J, Ji, Khi, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ga, Gi) -
If the willpower increases, creative work can be started. Traditions can be changed over time. You will earn enough money. There will be a meeting with the separated relatives. New job offers may come. There will be sweetness in speech. There will be no lack of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in the mind. There will be an increase in transactions and trade. Respect and prestige will increase. Good number for today: 1 and good color: If it is college, before doing any good deed or before going on a journey, you will get benefit by chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Ghrini Surya Namah: Minimum number of Japas: 07 times.
Aquarius (Th, Gay, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Se, So, The) -
The work that has been stopped can be done by overcoming the challenges. There may be an opportunity to travel far. Investment in business can be increased. You have to be careful about your health. Confusion during meetings can interfere with regular work. Despite the challenges, self-esteem can be protected. Sustainable income jobs can be found. If the auspicious number for today is: 3 and the auspicious color is green or brown, then before doing any auspicious deed or before going on a journey, chanting the Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Kalbhairavai Namah: Minimum number of Japas:
Pisces (di, du, th, j, n, de, do, ch, chi) -
Even if you see a small dividend compared to the investment, today's efforts will benefit the future. Opportunity will come, there is a day when you can take good advantage of being alert. There will be general benefits when you make a big effort. However, today's dividends may not be safe or secure. It's time to dump her and move on. Those who lose income can stay active. For today, auspicious number: 2 and auspicious color: if it is dark yellow or embroidered, before doing any auspicious deed or going on a journey, chanting Karyasiddhi Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya Minimum Japasankhaya: Starting 21 times will be beneficial
Mēṣa (cu, cē, cō, lā, li, lu, lē, lō, a) –
gari'ēkā kāmakō rāmrō mūlyāṅkana hunēcha. Āmdānī baḍhnālē parivārajanakā āvaśyakatā pūrā hunēchan. Samudāyakō haka hitakō sanrakṣaṇa gardai dhēraikō bhalā'i hunē kāma garna sakinē cha. Laganaśīlatālē kīrtimānī dilā'una sakcha. Pratiṣṭhita kāma garnē maukā cha. Arūlā'ī prabhāvita pārēra kāma banā'unē samaya cha. Dāma, ināma ra pratiṣṭhā kamā'unē bēlā cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 1 Ra śubharaṅga: Nīlō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om karmādhiṣṭhātr̥dēvēbhyō namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Br̥ṣa (i, u, ē, ō, bā, bi, bu, bē, bō) –
ātmaviśvāsa ra śīghra nirṇaya garnē kṣamatā abhivr̥d'dhi hunēcha. Yaśa, sam'māna ra pratiṣṭhāmā br̥d'dhi hunēcha. Parōpakāra ra dhārmika kṣētramā lagānī garēmā rāmrō pratiphala prāpta hunēcha. Manōrañjanamā bhulinē samaya cha. Bigrana lāgēkō kāma pani antyamā saphala bha'ī chāḍnē cha. Mān'yajana ra abhibhāvaka vargakō sahayōgamā rōki'ēkā kāma sampādana garna saghā'u pugnēcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 9 Ra śubharaṅga: Baijanī vā pahēnlō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om bhāgyalakṣmyai namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Mithuna (kā, ki, ku, gha, ṅa, cha, kē, kō, ha) –
ām̐ṭēkā kāma bannē saṅkēta chaina. Mukhya kāmamā bādhā hunē dēkhincha. Arūkā kāmamā mahatvapūrṇa samaya bitna sakcha vā sānātinā gharēlu kāmamai aljhanupardā mana khinna rahanē cha. Prayatna garē pani pariśrama nirarthaka hunēcha. Āśvāsana bām̐ḍnēkō bhara parnu hum̐daina, jhukyā'una sakchan. Vyāvasāyika kāmamā kharca baḍhnēcha. Savārīmā sāvadhānī apanā'unuhōlā. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 8 Ra śubharaṅga: Dhvām̐sē hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om saṅkaṭābhagavatyai namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Karkaṭa (hi, hu, hē, hō, ḍā, ḍi, ḍu, ḍē, ḍō) –
prēma ra mitratākō bandhana kasinukā sāthai dāmpatya sukhamā ramā'unē samaya cha. Vibhinna sahayōga ra upahāra pā'inē cha. Priyajanasam̐gakō bhēṭaghāṭalē dina ramā'ilō banā'unēcha. Nayām̐ jñāna siknē maukā cha. Vyāpāra–vyavasāyamā viśēṣa lābha linē samaya cha. Vyāvasāyika yātrākō sambhāvanā cha. Dāmpatya jīvanamā ramā'ilō rahanē cha. Āmdānī praśastai baḍhnēcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 7 Ra śubharaṅga: Ujyālō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om kātyāyanī bhagavatyai namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Sinha (mā, mi, mu, mē, mō, ṭā, ṭi, ṭu, ṭē) –
vivādalē khinna banā'ē pani ātmabala ra hausalāmā kamī ā'unē chaina. Pārivārika ra dāmpatya sambandha pragāḍha bannēcha. Vyāvasāyika yātrākō sambhāvanā cha. Vyāpāra tathā udyōgatarpha phā'idā hunē yōga cha. Vaidēśika yātrā pani lābhadāyaka rahanē cha. Samaya manōrañjanapūrṇa cha. Tara junasukai kāmamā saphalatā ārjana garna pratispardhā garnuparnē samaya cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 6 Ra śubharaṅga: Gulābī vā sindūrē hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om aṁ aṅgārakāya namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 10 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Kan'yā (ṭō, pa, pi, pu, ṣa, ṇa, ṭha, pē, pō) –
sōca ra viṣayavastuprati mana kēndrita hunēcha. Gōpanīya ḍhaṅgalē gari'ēkō kāmabāṭa managyē phā'idā hunēcha. Sukhada samācāralē ajha utsāha baḍhnēcha. Paḍhā'ilēkhā'imā pragati hunēcha. Bud'dhikō upayōgalē lakṣya pahilyā'una sakinē cha. Racanātmaka kāryamā juṭdā praśastai phā'idā hunē samaya cha. Gurujanakō viśēṣa sahayōga prāpta hunēcha. Pratiṣṭhita kāma sampādana garnē maukā cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 5 Ra śubharaṅga: Sētō vā ghurmailō hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om aiṁ sarasvatyai namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Tulā (ra, ri, ru, rē, rō, tā, ti, tu, tē) –
prabhāvaśālī ra ṭhūlā mānisakō sahayōga juṭā'una sakincha. Āmākō sahayōgabāṭa phā'idā milnēcha. Sāmājika kāryalē sam'mānita sthāna dilā'unēcha. Tara, svāsthyamā samasyā ā'una sakcha. Samjhautālē khinnatā baḍhā'unēcha bhanē bud'dhikō upayōgalē lakṣya prāpta garna sakinē cha. Bhūmi tathā mātr̥dhanabāṭa lābha linē samaya cha. Vigatakā kamajōrīlā'ī sudhāra garnē maukā cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 4 Ra śubharaṅga: Gulābī vā sindūrē hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om namaścaṇḍikāyai n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 09 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Br̥ścika (tō, nā, ni, nu, nē, nō, yā, yi, yu) –
parākrama ra utsāha baḍhnēcha. Vyāpārika vā dainika kāmaharū santōṣajanaka ḍhaṅgalē sampanna hunēchan. Arthalābhakā avasara ā'unē chan. Tīrthavrata tathā dēvālaya ādikō bhramaṇa huna sakcha. Mitravarga ra bandhuvāndhavabāṭa sahayōgakō apēkṣā garna sakincha. Dēvālaya, maṭhamandira vā sārvajanika pratiṣṭhānakō darśana, bhramaṇa vā avalōkana gardā śāntikō anubhūti prāpta hunēcha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 3 Ra śubharaṅga: Gulābī vā sindūrē hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om dharaṇīsutāya namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 21 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Dhanu (yē, yō, bha, bhi, bhu, dha, phā, ḍha, bhē) –
ṭhīka samayamā sahī nirṇaya lina sakinē cha. Kāryasampādana garnē kṣamatā baḍhnēcha. Śatrulē pani kāmamā sātha dinē paristhiti bannēcha. Mōjamajjā ra rāmaramā'ilōmā dhana kharca garna mana hausinē cha. Sōcēkō kāma ucita samayamā sampādana garna sakinē ra sākha jōgā'una sakinē cha. Vyavasāya, pēsā ra paṭhanapāṭhanamā garēkō sānō mihinētalē rāmrō pratiṣṭhā ārjana garna sakinē cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 2 Ra śubharaṅga: Gulābī vā sindūrē hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhiMantra: 'Om kamalāyai namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 11 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Makara (bhō, ja, ji, khi, khu, khē, khō, gā, gi) –
icchāśakti baḍhnēcha bhanē racanātmaka kārya śubhārambha garna sakinē cha. Paramparālā'ī samayasāpēkṣa parivartana garna sakinē cha. Managyē dhana ārjana hōlā. Vichōḍi'ēkā āphantasam̐ga bhēṭaghāṭa hunēcha. Nayām̐ kāmakō prastāva ā'una sakcha. Bōlīvacanamā sumadhuratākō āgamana hunēcha. Manamā utsāha ra umaṅgakō kamī hunēchaina. Lēnadēna ra vyāpāravyavasāyamā abhibr̥d'dhi hunēcha. Mānasam'māna ra pratiṣṭhā baḍhnē cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 1 Ra śubharaṅga: Kalējī hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om ghr̥ṇi sūryāya namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 07 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Kumbha (gu, gē, gō, sā, si, su, sē, sō, da) –
cunautīharū panchā'um̐dai rōki'ēkā kāma banā'una sakinē cha. Ṭāḍhākō yātrā garnē avasara juṭna sakcha. Vyavasāyamā lagānī baḍhā'una sakinē cha. Svāsthyaprati satarka rahanu parcha. Bhēṭaghāṭamā alamalinālē niyamita kāmamā bādhā pugna sakcha. Cunautī dēkhi'ē pani svābhimānakō rakṣā garna sakinē cha. Digō āmdānī hunē kāma phēlā pārna sakinē cha. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 3 Ra śubharaṅga: Hariyō vā dhvām̐sē hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om kālabhairavāya namaḥ n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 21 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
Mīna (di, du, tha, jha, ña, dē, dō, ca, ci) –
lagānīkō tulanāmā thōrai lābhānśa dēkhi'ē pani ājakō prayatnabāṭa pachikā lāgi phā'idā hunēcha. Avasara ā'unē cha, sacēta raham̐dā rāmrō lābha lina sakinē dina cha. Ṭhūlai prayatna gardā sāmān'ya phā'idā hunēcha. Tara, ājakō lābhānśa surakṣita vā sañcaya nahunasakcha. Sarasāpaṭamā dhana kharca hunē samaya cha. Āmdānī bigārnēharū sakriya rahana sakchan. Ājakā lāgi śubha'aṅka: 2 Ra śubharaṅga: Gāḍhā pahēnlō vā buṭṭē hō bhanē kunai śubhakarma garnu pūrva vā yātrāmā jānu aghi āja kāryasid'dhi mantra: 'Om namaḥ śivāya n'yūnatama jāpasaṅkhyā: 21 Paṭaka japa garī ārambha gardā lābha prāpta hunēcha.
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